Thursday, January 28, 2010

The iPad & Education

The iPad could revolutionize our classrooms. Read this article by Neil Offen from the Durham Herald-Sun (January 28, 2010) and weigh in on how you think you might envision a device like this being used in your classroom.


Amanda's ESL Blog said...
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Amanda's ESL Blog said...

I think the thought of bringing the i-pad to the classroom is a great idea, but in reality, i do not forsee this happening.
I think it would be beneficial for the future of technology in education. I am unsure of the capabilites that the i-pad offers, but i would imagine it being helpful in small group settings involving readings and such. I also would lean towards bringing i-pads to the classroom becuase it is green and would save alot of paper.
I also think the i-pod would be beneficial because it would be a huge motivator to the students. It would encourage them to read and practice reading because it is something new.

Anonymous said...

I think the use of the iPad in my elementary classroom would be useful during small groups for e-book reading. My students’ can also view different maps and photos. It would create an opportunity for going green in the classroom. The use of iPad would engage and motivate my students to learn. The use of new technology in the classroom can only benefit my students. I agree with Amanda statement “I also think the I-pod would be beneficial because it would be a huge motivator to the students. It would encourage them to read and practice reading because it is something new.”
Kricel F.

Anonymous said...

Having the background knowledge of what the ipad is all about, I absolutely agree that it would be a phenomenal tool in a classroom. The possibilities are endless. However, the big problem I would have is the filtering of what they would be allowed to do with it and a teacher’s ability to monitor what each student is doing on it. I know that my students go on the internet when they are on anything that allows them too. They are also very quick to log off, and I wouldn’t even know that they were on in the first place. One could easily say then don’t put the internet on the ipad, but it would be so great because it has the internet. The students would be able to expand their knowledge greatly, and they would be able to do it themselves. It’s almost a catch 22.
J. Dupas

Anonymous said...

I'm with Amanda, I dont see this happening either. I do liove the fact that it is green. It is so important that children see that it is vital to the earth and our enviornment to be conscious of our waste. The biggest reason I think they would be successful is because of the great motivation they would provide for students.
J. Dupas

Anonymous said...

I like what the iPad has to offer in terms of an educational resource in the classroom. In an ideal setting I can see small group activities occurring in which the iPad can be utilized to research and examine information for the students. Another idea would allow the instructor to walk around the classroom during the day and offer students one on one technological assistance using the iPad.
-Cynthia Q-B.

Anonymous said...

The iPad has a chance to make a huge impact on education. I agree with Amanda in that I do not forsee the iPad being used in the majority of schools in the immediate future, however i do feel that it, or another device like it, will eventually be in most schools by the end of the decade. The iPad may allow students to bring home multiple textbooks, conduct research, and participate in learning activities with ease.
-Thomas Mehldau

Anonymous said...

With the iPad we are looking at the future. The future generations will be using tools such as the iPad in their classes and it us up to us to stay up to date with these technological breakthroughs. I have witnessed lessons being presented where the iPads were an integral part of the class and the lessons were great. I will definately have one when the price goes down but by then there will be something better. So goes the technological world.

Anonymous said...

With the iPad we are looking at the future. The future generations will be using tools such as the iPad in their classes and it us up to us to stay up to date with these technological breakthroughs. I have witnessed lessons being presented where the iPads were an integral part of the class and the lessons were great. I will definately have one when the price goes down but by then there will be something better. So goes the technological world.

-Kamaal H

Anonymous said...

The Ipad has tremendous potential to be the future of how students use technology in the classroom. I believe that this is a great idea for students to consistently use the Ipad because it allows them to be able to have immense amount of information at their fingertips at all times and will greatly motivate them to perform better in school.

Nicholas hablenko

Anonymous said...

I believe that this product does have the ability to change the way we think about education. It would be remarkable to have a light-weight, versatile tool handy for students. They would be able to have a plethora of information at their fingertips, although I do not think it will replace the traditional classroom any time soon. While I do not have much experience with iPads (or iPhones for that matter), I think that having an expensive and delicate device such as this one won't be replacing sturdier computers and laptops in the near future. I do like the idea of having textbooks and information so easily accessible for students, though, especially knowing that they can make notes and annotations while they are reading.
~Cindy A.

Tom G said...

I agree with Cindy that IPad does have the ability to change the way we think about education. After observing special education classrooms and seeing what students can do with the Ipad all class im convinced that Ipads are the future of teaching. Their is a limitless amount of information in a students hand when they have Ipads. Their light, mobile and easy to use.
Tom G

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt in my mind that integrating the iPad into the classroom setting would not only be extremely engaging and motivating for students but it would also be an extremely effective teaching tool for students to learn new valuable information. However, the only problem that I have with the iPad is the cost and the quantity that can be provided. If there is one per classroom this would cause competition between the students and jealousy. Also, if a school going to spend enough money to provide an iPad for every student, I would take a step back to think about what other materials we could have spent instead. I believe that the iPad would be a phenomenal tool, because students could get direct access to information and cost of text book would be lower. However, in my classroom instead of each child getting one iPad that could be used for several lessons, I would rather than money being spend on an interactive whiteboard, that could be used for every lesson! IPads cannot take pictures or excel at word processing, therefore I would rather that money be spent on a class computer or laptops that are connected to printers or a class digital camera where we can upload our pictures onto our computer and put together a slide show presentation. There is so much technology out there that can be utilized at a great extent in the classroom environment. And though I would absolutely love to have an iPad for every student, it just makes me wonder how much more technology we could be providing for these students at the same cost as one iPad.

-MaryBeth Vlahos

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree that the ipad can change education for the better. Students could have such a wide range of resources right at their fingertips. I like the idea of using ebooks instead of heavy text books but I am a little skeptical when the author mentions lowering cost. With the ipad the schools would save money on text books but they would then need to supply enough ipads for pretty much every student in the school. I do not know a whole lot about school budgets but I do think using the ipad would be just as expensive. Schools would also have to account for the cost of repairs because ipads are delicate devices and students are not always as cautious as they should be. Other then the cost of the ipad I do feel that it can revolutionize teaching and learning.
Jamie F

Anonymous said...

I agree with Cindy and Tom. I think this product has the ability to change the way we teach, as the Smartboard is doing right now. It is early, but feel this will catch on having read article about school districts using them in classroom. With any new equipment it may only start out small before it will be used by the whole school. Unlike the Smartboard, the Ipad is portable and lightweight which makes it very versatile for students.
Jackie A.

Anonymous said...

Nicole K

I think the idea of bringing the iPad into the classroom is a terrific idea, the vast amount of capabilities of the iPad is great for education, as long as it is used in the right context.

I think they would be great for small group work, but the idea of every student with an iPad can be a little far fetched at this point in time.

Apple has realized the importance of the iPad and its use in education and has provided many applications and uses for the iPad in schools. For instance the iPad 2 can now be wirelessly connected to an HD television, and the tv will project whatever is displayed on the iPad. This allows the teacher to roam the room with iPad in hand teaching the lesson while making sure the students are on task and understanding the curriculum.

If it becomes available I would love t ouse the iPad in my classroom.

Anonymous said...

I work in a school and we had someone come in to talk to us about the benefits of the Ipad. I have to say i am all for the Ipad but i do think it is way too expensive. There is no reason for something to be that much money when it is a great educational tool. In the long run it would also save alot of paper since the kids can use it for note taking.
stephanie sotile

Ms. B said...

The iPad has clearly proven that, since it came out, it is a great tool for education. Some people might view them as a luxury rather than a necessity to have in the classroom - and with everything going on in todays environment it's tough to argue - but I think the benefits of having at least one in a classroom would show that it's a good investment. First, relating to the "Digital Kids" article, just having one in a classroom would instantly give credibility to the class and the teacher using it with the students who are so tech-driven, and that credibility leads to interest, and interest leads to learning.

I envision it being used as a center point for the class - where most of the focus is directed to. It can be used during story time, hooked up to a projector and used like an IWB, and it can also be used for the teacher to store data on the class (grades, attendance, etc.). I see it as an all-in-one tool for teachers.

Karen B. said...

I believe the ipad in the classroom would be great for a number of reasons - Incentive for reading, access to other sources at a students finger tips that would enhance the lesson and reading material, supplementing texts books or even replacing them would be a way to help the environment and possibly in the long run save money.These are just some benefits. I believe two main disadvatages would be the initial costs and also I agree with J. Dupas about the monitoring in a large classroom. Kids can very easily hide behind and ipad.
Karen B.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Cindy A. The iPad is an excellent tool for both educators and students. It allows teachers to integrate technology into their classroom while having their students enjoy learning. I feel the iPad has made many aspects of my teaching career easier for me. It is portable and very light but it also carries so much information. I am able to create lessons anywhere and e-mail myself (if there is internet access). I see some of my students using the iPad and they absolutely love it. I feel this product could and will be the future learning tool in our classrooms.

-Kristine D.

Anonymous said...

This article is all just wishfull thinking. Sure the ipad has some great capabilities as more than just an ereader, but for students to actually use them as such would be a strech. Schools would have to purchase ipad for every student and have them all uploaded with the correct learning material, they would then have to disabile the ability for students to download thier own programs. because the ipad has a ton of apps student would be able to download whatever they wanted and instead of using the ipad for educational purposes they could use it for thier own personal gaming machine.

Matt M

Nicole said...

I have mixed feelings on the ipad and apple related products in the classroom. Yes, I am for computers in the classroom and technology; it is important for students to learn to use different mediums. However, if my school were lucky enough to be able to have ipads for students, they would definitely help exploration and provide resources at hand, but it may also act as a distraction and dependent. Students need to learn to utilize technology (especially in todays world), but personally I fear that students of the future will rely too much on technology and forget basic functions within a classroom. For a teachers use though, I do think it is just as helpful as a computer for organization and resources.

Riain said...

I feel the conventional classroom has already been replaced. The i-pad has an ability to get students to actually read. They can highlight and write notes on their i-pads. The i-pad can be used in small group activities and individually. I agree with J. Dupas that the i-pad may allow unwated material into classrooms and teachers have to be aware that accessing everything has it's pitfalls. Educators would have to agree to filtering certain aspects of the i-pad to avoid obstacles in educating students.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the iPad and other apple products are going to change the way children learn. Not only will they become more technologically advanced, but they can keep downloads and use them later on in life for other learning experiences. If a child downloads a book, he then can use it later on for notes, and be able to refer back and re-read it if necessary. I think that there should be some restrictions placed on this type of internet access, however with proper blocking and security, I believe this is a tool that will not only benefit the students, but learning and education as a whole.

Christina G.

Interesting ESL By Ashley said...

I mentioned something in my last post about technology having catapulted us to a whole new level of education, and that certainly rings true when refering to the iPad. When I start to think of all the possibilities it brings to the mind starts going crazy places! It would be such an enhancement to the subjects and topics covered on the secondary level, where the material is more in depth, and delivered at a faster pace. With all of the videos, podcasts, and interactive and informational sites, the iPad could seriously enhance Social Studies, and Science classrooms, just to name a few. While I do agree with J. Dupas, that students internet access would need to be closely monitored, I am sure that the school would take the necessary measures to maintain safe internet usage. Lastly, I wanted to add that I feel the iPad will do wonders for areas such as Literacy and Special Education. With all of the movements to Balanced Literacy, and Guided Reading, the iPad would be great for providing material, organization and resources, as well as large improvements to adaptive techologies that are available to students at the present time. While I do not think it is going to happen NOW, I do forsee the iPad becoming an integral part of the classroom in tne near future.

Jena said...

I think the IPad is an excellent resource for a classroom. Although I am a little cautious about using them with high school students, I think the IPad is a great way to enhance student's intrigue and get them to see technology as a place to learn, not only to play games. I also love this idea for students with special needs. Especially for the hearing impaired, learning disabled and students with social issues. I think this is limitless in the educational world that this could open for the students. I do agree with Karen B who says the negatives are the cost and potential for students to hide behind their IPad but this technology is cheaper than some other special education technologies. I think if there is a way to limit the ipad for just educational purposes (no games or bad internet sites) this could be an awesome addition to a classroom.

Jena said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

To be completely honest, I am not sure bringing the ipad in the educational environment is a good idea. I feel that it will be a huge distraction due to the entertainment aspect of the device and end up wasting time in the classroom. Especially if every student is working with their own ipad.
I was a little concerned about some the things the article was saying about how it could "replace the conventional classroom". That is a very scary thought.
However, like everything else there are some upsides to the ipad, i like the comments some students made about going green and that use of the ipad will save paper.
-Mike S.

Jennifer Walsh said...

I do agree with Mike that the entertainment aspect would be a huge distraction. I took a computer class where the teacher was able to freeze each computer so the students couldn’t play around during the lesson, and he could see what we were doing when they weren’t frozen. If that feature is possible when using IPads, then maybe the distractions would be limited. I also agree that going green by not using paper is a great idea. I like the idea that text and visual materials can be checked and worked with on the same page, as opposed to having to look elsewhere and possibly losing focus. Having activities readily accessible is a good feature, and may be more appealing to a student as opposed to a paper and pencil activity. I personally wouldn’t like it to replace a classroom, that would be like taking an online class. I took one, and felt I didn’t do as well because I couldn’t completely engage myself in the lesson, therefore I didn’t retain as much as I could of.

Anonymous said...

I think bringing the I-pad into the classroom environment, is a great idea! However, as with everything else in the world, there are always distractions and this should not stop a district from implementing such technology. I believe adding the Ipad to the classroom would help us in the "going green" aspect, especially since less paper will be wasted and textbooks would most likely, no longer be used. In addition to "going green", the ipad will make students learning experiences more enjoyable and could benefit students with different learning styles.
Jamie L.

Anonymous said...

I feel the Ipad is a GREAT way to incorporate technology into the classroom. This is the latest kind of technology and it will enhance students interest in the classroom. I love the Ipad, I feel unlike others, that it is great in small reading settings. There are always updates on the Ipad and it is always improving itself. Don't we want something in the classroom that will engage our students and update itself with the latest applications we, as educators, can use in the classrooms? -Christina D.

Anonymous said...

Utilizing ipads in the classroom is a great tool for small group work, etextbooks and saving paper. At my program for students with special needs we have an Ipad that some students work for as a reinforcement for good behavior. They seem to enjoy using it and becoming familiar with this technology. However, I do not think it is realistic for classrooms to receive funding for Ipads. With all the cutbacks schools are making I do not see Ipads being that necessary in todays classroom.
Kaitlyn D

Anonymous said...

I think the ipad has tremendous capabilities to enhance learning for young children and even older students.I believe the ipad is engaging and through the apps one day textbooks may be a thing of the past, but the ipad is expensive and although it may be great for those who have access to them and could afford them, those in lower income areas or districts that cannot afford ipads would know nothing of ipads or its effects.The ipad would have to be closely monitered in schools as well because as we know technology also posseses its negatives and elicit content could easily become an issue.I think the technology through the ipad will be incorporated into education little by little and overall be beneficial for some.Lindsay S

Anonymous said...

No question it would be a great tool for the classroom. I don't think it's going to happen for some time. Too expensive at that level. Still, another great tool and resource for the teacher that does bring it into the class. The possibilities would be endless.

Anonymous said...

I think the idea of using the iPad in the classroom is phenomenal. It can be used to the advantage of the teacher, student and even administrator. If all of the students had iPads then the lessons and notes could be sent to each student and they could fill in the blanks on their own, or see whatever the teacher is projecting on the board on their iPad. The teacher can use it to give notes and homework assignments and to keep track of grades and scores. It also can help a district go green because they don't have to print notes or tests because the students can just take them on the iPad. Also it can help alleviate students heavy backpacks because they can have all of their notes, homework, and texts, placed on the iPad so all that they have to take home with them is the iPad to do their class work. And the iPad has connection t the internet so they can look things up and communicate with others on projects or just questions that they have about class work. I do agree with Jamie though and it can be a great distraction to the students also so it would be important to find a way to prevent games or surfing of the web while the teacher is giving a lesson.
James S.

Anonymous said...

Bringing the iPad into the classroom could potentially be very useful but what would concern me is all the apps that it offers, how would you if students were really paying attention or just playing on the iPad. They could be a great cause of distraction in the classroom.
-Katie C.

Anonymous said...

I think in an ideal world the Ipad would be brought into a classroom and work beautifully for reading, writing, searching, video watching and much more. But I don't see it happening anytime soon. The technology would give the students too many distractions in my opinion. If technology is to be used within a classroom I feel the teacher needs to be in control of it like a smartboard or something of that nature. The ipad in my opinion would be good to use if, say, the students were to have that added to the curriculum in computer lab hours or something like that. Use it for reading, group work and maybe even for webquests.

Justin B

Anonymous said...

Using the iPad in classrooms can most definitely impact the learning of all students, especially students with disabilities. The apps and programs that can be downloaded to work with students that have disabilities can help them communicate and engage with their peers. I agree with Thomas and believe that the iPad is about to have a huge impact on education in a positive way. If teachers are educated correctly on how they can be used in the classroom, I believe students can only benefit.

C. Dawydko

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kricel that it will be an opportunity for the classroom to go green. I do have an iPad and I see the effects that it has on my life. It is easier to download a book on the go, rather than lugging all the books on vacation. This will help students to not have the load which is in their backpacks.

Kate M.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I see why having an ipad in the classroom is so much more beneficial than a computer. It doesn't do much more than a computer and being that we already have computers in most classrooms, it seems like an unnesessary expense for schools. Technology is always changing and is very expensive, so unless the technology really offers something new that computers don't already offer, than i'm not sure i really see the point. Also, like another response had mentioned, it would be hard for the teacher to monitor what the students are doing on the IPad, where with computers, it is much easier. I also don't see why reading paper books isn't good enough for children anymore. Maybe i'm old fashioned, but I don't see anything wrong with reading a paper book and looking things up on a desk top computer. Until i see benefits that come from the ipad that a paper book and a computer can't provide, i'm afaid i'm not convinced that we really need Ipads in schools
D. Cavallo

Anonymous said...

I love the ipad in the classroom! My school has five or six of them that circulate throughout the building. Unless, of course, a teacher wants to bring in her own ipad. That has also been encouraged, and has been a huge success!
I have mostly used my ipad in the classroom for phonics and language lessons. The children are intrigued by everything I do with it--even the simple phonics lessons where I change the letter sound on the screen with the simple swipe of my finger.
My only fear of the ipad being in the classroom is that it becomes abused. I used to hate to hear a teacher say, "oh I'll just put on a movie." Now, I cringe when I hear "I don't know what I'm teaching yet this afternoon, but I'm sure I'll find something on my ipad." Hopefully, it does not take away from the prep time that is really required to create a worthwhile lesson!
So unfortunately, I have to disagree with quite a few of the previous bloggers--not only are they going to be in classrooms... They already are!

Jackie D.