Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Vision of the 21st Century Teacher

Are you a 21st century teacher? Watch this video to learn about the characteristics of today's teachers? How are today's teachers different than teachers of the past? What characteristics of a 21st century teacher do you value most? Why?


Anonymous said...

I feel that as I continue to learn about technology and become more exposed to ways to use it im a classroom, that I am becoming more of a 21st century teacher. In my classroom I use technology and the internet in many ways. My students use the internet for research, create slide shows, power points, charts and graph and write and receive emails. We also use the smart board in our classroom.
I think that teachers in the past did not have access and exposure to different types of technology.
I value the accessibility of all the resources that I can use in my classroom. I feel that as technology becomes more involved in the lives of children today, it is important for kids to be able to use technology personally, socially and academically.
Nicole F

Anonymous said...

I believe that it is important to lean how to become a 21 century teacher, since technology is used in today’s world. We as up coming new teachers can not teach as we grew up because that is not how today society is working. Times have changed and we as educators need to change as well. As I learn more about technology I believe that I will become a 21 century teacher and be able to give my students a better learning experience. Although technology can be harmful when used in a negative way, if it is monitored then children will be able to express themselves and possibly understand the lesson. As the video states even the shy kids will be participating in the classroom.

Kim F

Unknown said...

This video did make me feel excited about the possibilities of using technology in the classroom. Unfortunately, I am not the most knowledgeable about different kinds of technology and how to use them. I have very basic computer skills- going online for research, emails, Facebook, PowerPoint, and that's pretty much it. I would really like to learn how to do more with technology so that I can incorporate it into my lesson planning. Using technology is certainly an excellent way to keep students engaged in a lesson and allows them the opportunity to be creative in their thinking. It also gives us many new ways to create assessments so that we do not always have to rely on the traditional pen and paper test, as our teachers most likely did. Just as the video points out, the use of technology in the classroom can help teachers reach students of all learning styles and provide more interesting ways to differentiate instruction. For all of these reasons, and I'm sure there are more, I know that I need to do everything I can to become a 21st century teacher- starting with learning more about how to use technology. As Nicole says, students today are growing up with technology all around them; it is an integral part of their lives. We need to learn how to use technology in order to teach them more effectively, and we can also help them use technology in a more productive and fulfilling way for all aspects of their life- "personally, socially, and academically."

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kim that we must all become 21st century teachers. As noted the teachers that we grew up with did not have access to this technology, in fact, there was no technology at that point in time, at least not for me. I was lucky if we had filmstrips and the records with the beeps to change the frame.

I think that the challenge to change the mindset of some teachers may be difficult, as it is like "teaching an old dog new tricks", but it is extrmemly the only way to go.

We must not forget that we must keep our students engaged, focused and interested in what we are trying to teach them. On the same token, we must also be willing to learn and relearn.

Today's teacher must not just be able to teach a lesson, but rather be able to totally immerse themself in the subject matter, making it as interesting and as appealing to the student.

In this way, technology is a integral part of the learning experience. With the interaction of all types of students, the opportunity to comment and make an assessment is critical. This process in itself is enough for the student to unconsciouly absorb so much more informaton that we could ever imagine!

As we have the opportunity to reeducate ourselves, the longterm benefits will far outweight the overwhelming fear that we have to learn something new and challenging. As the video ended, keep in mind that we can, we can,we can together do this!

Elizabeth G. T/TH

Unknown said...

The students of today may not even realize that many of their teachers did not have this kind of technology available to them when they were in school. They just assume that the school has always looked like this and has always had computers. The students of today cannot imagine a world without this kind of technology. Therefore, it is our responsibility as teachers to incorporate how they are accustomed to learning and taking in new ideas into our classroom. An old fashioned slide projector won’t provide as much information to them as even a slide show with video clips and sound narration. This is just how they have become used to receiving information.
As Kelly says, it allows a teacher to differentiate instruction more easily as well, because you can easily have sound and pictures and words all coming together on one screen. It keeps their attention in much the same way that the newest technology when we were in school kept ours.
As teachers, we know that our quest for knowledge never ends, and we must always be students—so that we may better teacher our own students in this new 21st century.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kim. I feel that I will be a 21st century teacher because I use the technology and socializing networks in my daily life. I feel that in order to teach the teachers have to be updated with all forms of technology etc to understand the generation that their students are living in and to better educate them. The teachers from the past taught students in one form and the students who needed additional help were provided with help, but teaching has changed. I feel that its more diverse to fulfill the needs of all learning methods. When I went to school there was never a computer in the classroom. If we wanted to research we went to the library. Now when kids do projects they use the internet and maybe one or two sources from the books in the library. The more and more things change the ways of teaching in a classroom will change as well. I feel with the way technology continues to advance soon students will be require to bring a laptop to school instead of a notebook and pencil.

Marleny Abreu.

Mary Diehlmann said...

Part of me is a 21st century teacher in that I am open to all that is available to me and my students through technology. Today’s teachers must be willing to accept a new way of teaching and learning. Teachers of the past were severely limited by today’s standards. The most important characteristic of a 21st century teacher is a willingness to accept change and be open to new technologies as they arise.
I agree with Elizabeth G. Technology is an integral part of a student’s learning experience. As teachers, it’s important that we have a good foundation and ever growing knowledge base of technology. It’s good for us. It’s good for our credibility with students. I believe students appreciate and respect a teacher who bothers to learn new technology and is capable of keeping up with technological advancements as they approach us at an ever accelerating rate.
However, I find the video frustrating to watch. My desire to be a 21st century teacher is irrelevant when my district has no means to support my desire. I’ve been teaching for three years. I am inundated with presentations designed to make teachers feel inspired, much like this one. Sadly, I am already ahead of most of my colleagues because I use a laptop and projector to show my students interactive demonstrations and steer them toward websites that can help them. No one else is doing even that little in my department. And there is so much more I should be doing, but can’t.
I am also bound by New York State’s overloaded curriculums. This makes it very difficult to spend the kind of time I’d like to spend learning new technology or having students learn through exploration and discovery. Some of my students claim not to have access to computers outside of school and they have no access to a computer in my class. I’m still not certain how I’m supposed to handle that hurdle.
It seems 21st century technology and me are a series of contradictions.

Anonymous said...

I believe that I am a 21st century teacher. I intend to use technology in 90% of my classes. I feel it is important for teachers to evolve as technology grows. I don't feel that today's teachers are any different from past teachers. Teachers in the past used the resources that they had. They used the technology that was offered to them then. As time has gone by things have changed and teachers have changed. I value the 21st century teacher's ability to use technology in a positive way. I appreciate them for taking what children use everyday and applying it to their classrooms.

Natalie M

Anonymous said...

That was a very good point Mary Beth made about how most students wouldn't be able to understand that they're teachers were not taught using all of this amazing new technology. The point is to make it so second nature to them that it becomes easy and accessible and, therefore, usable, and in this I think we succeed.
I believe very strongly that we as teachers must learn as much as we teach, including learning new ways to teach. If we are not able to access our students in ways they understand, using the language and technology they're familiar with, it will be nearly impossible to reach them intellectually or emotionally.
Technology also provides more opportunities for students to express themselves and what they've learned, which helps us as teachers understand what they know, which is so important in teaching them and connecting new information. As long as teachers don't become completely reliant on technology at the expense of technique, I believe technology can help create a more well-rounded classroom of learners.

Marina M.

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed this video on teaching in the 21st century. I liked how this video incorporated technology into learning different content areas, grasping various concepts, and understanding the global world. I thought the suggestions for good mediums of technology, such as maintaining a classroom website and researching effective websites were great tips to help teach students to work together and to collaborate on multimedia reports and works. I also thought the tips to use in the classroom, such as blogs to discuss relevant literature, create music for presentations, and utilizing cameras to show math in real life were really doable and effective strategies. I think one of the best effects of technology in learning is that it meets many aspects of the differentiation of learning styles. Technology serves as a great avenue for students to express and learn uniquely, especially for the visual learners. I also thought that the idea for students to respond to surveys via texts was a transcending idea to meet students at their interest level and combine academics. The digital books, the ability to access information from almost anywhere and anytime, and the virtual field trips were also valuable practices for the classroom. I especially liked how the video explained that technology can be a great resource for students who are shy to express themselves. I like how being a 21st century teach can help teach students great skills, communication skills, and preparation for a future of increasingly technology, and the strategies to be a lifelong learner.

Unknown said...

I agree with what Kim said. It is important to take into account society when thinking about how to teach effectively in a classroom. In our community and world were technology is such an integrating aspect to everyday life, I think it is key to incorporate such technology into learning. I think that technology can help make learning more fun and relate able. I also think that by setting the example to students that one needs to adapt to the world, we would be teaching them the skills of being adaptable and the important of being a lifelong learner. I also think that it is important to take the opportunity to teach students the importance of netiquette when using technology, as well as to still incorporate pen and paper learning and other various methods of learning, so that way students can have a well rounded foundation of learning.

Anonymous said...

I believe that I am a 21st century teacher adapting and evolving with technology. As stated by two classmates Kim F. and Natalie we have to adapt to the society we live in and use the forms of communication that children are most familiar with. Children today use technology constantly from cell phone, computers, laptops, email, texting, chat rooms, instant messaging etc. It is a vehicle of communication that they are most familiar and savvy with. As a 21st century teacher one must conform to the popular demand if they want to engage their students. I know in my classroom I constantly incorporate technology whether by using it as a center (computer center), resource and or using the smart board material in a lesson. I believe with the statement that even the shy child will participate when using a blog on posting a comment to a message board. It is a way to differentiate instruction and encourage forms of communication between peers and teachers. As a 21st century teacher one must never stop evolving and staying on top of the newest technology trends in order to benefit your students.
Danielle S

Unknown said...

I think students will continue to be exposed to new forms of technology in every classroom they go to. I think students will be able to use their resources whether in school or in real world experiences to their advantage. I feel like my education throughout my life has been affected by technology both positively and negatively in ways I wish i could have used resources I have now to my advantage.

Unknown said...

I believe that I am a 21st century teacher. I will integrate technology into the classroom wherever possible. Technology is a tool that will enhance any lesson. It will make the content that you are teaching in the classroom come alive. It also offers alternative ways of teaching that accommodates the different learning styles of students. In addition, it is a way that you can differentiate instruction to your students. Advances in technology create a global classroom connecting you to information and people all over the world. Technology is changing every moment and I am not only a teacher, but a leaner that is eager to learn about the advances in technologies, so that I can unleash its endless capabilities in my future classroom. I will use the technology available to me to enhance the curriculum that I teach in the classroom. I am not in the classroom but have incorporated educational websites, streaming video, PowerPoint presentations, and the smart board into my lessons, and will use them in my future classroom.
The major difference between teachers today and teachers from the past is their access and usage of technology in the classroom. In the past teachers were forced to rely on textbooks and resources provided by their schools to enhance their lessons. The Internet provides teachers today with free access to a plethora of information and resources that will enhance their curriculum. Moreover, with budget cuts it is difficult to take students on field trips, however, the Internet allows your class to take a virtual field trip anywhere in the world. In addition, teachers today are more equipped with resources that allow them to cater to the different learning styles of their students.
The characteristic of 21st century teachers that I value the most is their ability to cater to the different learning styles of their students. Students have different needs. I believe that the internet allows teachers the ability to individualize their lessons to meet needs of their students. This creates an optimal learning environment in the classroom for students.
Lauren T

Anonymous said...

Absolutely technology is needed in a 21st century environment - whether it be in a classroom or a boardroom, teaching the technology that is available, and using it wisely, can help students achieve the next level.
The teacher who said she takes 4 hours a week to maintain her class website, that's similar to the teacher back when I was growing up who spent 4 hours a week making handouts, and playing catch-up with those who are absent. Now that everything is accessible by a click of a button, students will be held accountable for their actions in a way that has never been present in a school system before. If someone is absent, they have to go online. Lost the homework? Go online. There will be very few excuses for students.
And there are already very few excuses for teachers to not incorporate this technology in the classroom. Smart boards are incredible - students and teachers can interact and share with the technology.
Elizabeth G said, "I think that the challenge to change the mindset of some teachers may be difficult, as it is like "teaching an old dog new tricks", but it is extrmemly the only way to go." That's absolutely the truth. Just like research scientists, we need to change our methods as technology changes. You can't be an "old dog" anymore!
- Amy E.

Unknown said...

I agree with my classmates and believe that in order to be effective teachers we must constantly integrate technology into the classroom. Our classroom and teaching methods must evolve with changes in technology. Children today are much more technologically savvy than myself, and in order to be effective teachers, it is imperative that we remain current with changes in technology.

Anonymous said...

After watching this video, once again it was ingrained in my philosophy of teaching that the use of multimodal and hands-on technology tools is the new way to teach our 21st century students. There so many tools and applications available to help our diverse learners grasp, comprehend, achieve academically, and prepare them for this technological driven world. Ten years ago, many of the technology tools and applications available today were not available and I believe that the older generation students were cheated of these new avenues. However, as a 21st century teacher candidate, it is important that we learn and refine not only subject matter expertise but our technology and literacy skill sets as well. Many of the new generation students arrive to our classroom with built-in technology skills and we as teachers should be ready to assist them in utilizing them to expand their academic knowledge in the classroom. In addition, as we encounter the visual and tactile learners, using multimodal technology tools and hands-on applications will better assist them in learning. Using multimedia devices in the classroom can create a balance between technology integration in a lesson and effective instruction. This alters the instructional design of traditional instruction practices. However, let’s keep in mind that in order to be able to apply multimedia devices such as VCasts or blogging, the classroom teacher must have a reasonable level of technology proficiency, as well as, understand the content to teach the subject matter effectively.

Lastly, I agree with Natalie M. in that today’s teachers are no different than those from the past. They taught students with the technology tools they were taught to use in the classroom. The reality is the world has changed and evolved into an aggressive daily use of technology one. As a result, 21st century teachers have started and continue to be encouraged to use technology in the classroom in a positive way. As an upcoming math teacher, I totally agree with this mode of teaching.

Sonia Montalvo, T/Th, 6p-9p

Anonymous said...

I agree with what many have said, but i think Sonia brings up a good point that if we want to utilize technology as a beneficial resource, we as teacher candidates need to educate ourselves on how to properly integrate it into the curriculum. Students are becoming more and more technologically savvy so it is up to teachers to keep an open mind in how they run their classrooms in order to keep their students actively engaged. This video made a point to reference the many different ways technology can be used, some of which I had not previously thought of. I hope to become more aware of how to incorporate different technological resources to my own lessons through this course.

Allison P T/TH

Anonymous said...

I agree with what the others have said about tech having a place in the classroom, and the opportunity as a teacher to bring more innovative technology into learning. Tying tech into curriculum is time-consuming and tough work, but worth it to engage the student. I still have a lot to learn on the newest ways to bring technology techniques, but I'm willing.

Meg Shannon

Anonymous said...

With new technologies being developed daily I find it become increasingly important to integrate technology into our classrooms. I agree with what Lauren said that has new or classroom and teaching methods have to change somewhat with the times, we have to keep up with technology. I also think that staying somewhat current on the new technological advances that are taking place will make it easier to make a connection with students, and also make the gap smaller when trying to keep up with the times.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to think of myself as a 21st century teacher in that I try to incorporate technology into the classroom & make real life situations relevant to help develop a student's problem solving skills. I definitely agree with everyone who said teachers in the past did not have access or even the materials we have today in the technology "world". What I find to be true is the extra amount of time that a 21st century teacher spends to prepare for a lesson so that its easier for students, than when I was a student. Because of the wide availability of internet or wifi access in modern day times, the majority of students always have some semblance of the internet at their fingertips. What helps humans survive is their ability to adapt to change. Teachers ALSO need to adapt to change in order to survive. Embracing the use of technology will is a necessity for teachers to survive.

Will S. M/W 6-9pm

Anonymous said...

I also agree with KatieG: "staying somewhat current on the new technological advances that are taking place will make it easier to make a connection with students, and also make the gap smaller when trying to keep up with the times." With iPads now available, we can connect wirelessly to SmartBoards with a very hot tech item. Somehow a student of mine found out I got a Kindle for Xmas..immediately he started paying more attention in class because he thought I was one of the few hip teachers.

-Will S. M/W 6-9pm

Anonymous said...

Teachers are now learners and educators. Having in mind that techonlogy has become the new generations native language educators are exposed to new and diverse ways with how to be better connected with their studetns. Techonology has an important value not how people learn today and what they can accomplish. It is imperative for all to know how to use techonlogy to better communicate, learn, and express eachother.
The more technology grows the we are expected to learn about the diverse ways it can help the world stay connected. I believe it is important for people to be involved with techonogy for a high level of thinking and learning.
Kristal C.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Will S. "What helps humans survive is their ability to adapt to change." Technology is woven into our culture, and is considered useful and necessary for almost everything we do. As leaders and educators it is our obligation to model appropriate and effective use of technology. To me, a 21st Century Teacher should possess, teach and instill critical thinking skills so our students and our future is a better place.
P.S. I wish our technology could stop the flow of oil into the Gulf of Mexico.
Rachel K.

Anonymous said...

This video opened my eyes to see how when technology is positively and effectively bought into the classroom it can have profound effects. I agree with previous post that as teacher candidates we must be provided with the support to keep up with the ever changing world of technology. Throughout the entire video I enjoyed how words such as collaborate, construct, analysis, and express were used to describe the wonderful things students could do with technology. Also, I liked how they called 21st century teachers learners because that shows others that even though we are teachers we do not know everything and we are learning new and effective instructional methods to bring inside the classroom.

Kristen B.

Anonymous said...

I would like to believe I am a 21st century teacher. We've come a long way from drilling students with information without much room for student creativity. Students are expected to be creative in their learning. Researching,analyzing and coming up with their own ideas. I value that 21st century teachers actually value making learning fun and exploratory as oppose to just being fed information and expected to spit it back without much orinal thought into it.
M. Malloy

Anonymous said...

2. "Who dares to teach must never cease to learn." What an excellent conclusion to the video. This video was helpful in that it reminds educators everywhere that we can "digitally empower" our students. It also reminds us, as Kelly stated, that we can better differentiate instruction so that everyone feels included. One teacher in the video said that she asked her students to blog in regard to literature. When she did, the students who were uncomfortable speaking in front of the class found their voices. I hope to use technological resources in my classroom to reach out to my students and connect them to the broader global community.
Katie F. Summer EDU 521 Tues/Thurs

Anonymous said...

Technology is accelerating. Those who do not embrace technology will be left behind as we have entered the Digital Age. The days of big industry and big manufacturing in the United States have waned, as many businesses have gone overseas. Is the United States still a place where innovation occurs? The answer is yes, it is still a world leader in innovation, and this and the next generations of citizens must have the types of knowledge base and tools associated with the new growth that is taking place in this country. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal projects that the jobs for the year 2018 (only 8 years away) will be technology based roles that will require a great level of intelligence which will truly begin to define the 'intelligence based worker'. Students who are 14 to 16 today will be college graduates by the end of this decade and will make up the next level of worker in the United States. Teachers today must be capable of assisting students in making the transition to next generation technology. So, as has been stated with each generation, 'change is inevitable', so we need to embrace technology and become the vehicles to assist students with becoming the next generation leaders of new technologies in this country today.

Ed Wachowicz
M-W 521

Carina Keegan said...

I really enjoyed the video because it showed a fresh perspective from a teacher viewpoint. I especially related to the teacher who appreciated the fact that technology helps to get through to a shy student and perhaps enable them to feel comfortable with the use of technology. Also, being able to take virtual field trips was engaging and the different styles of differentiating instruction through technology was exciting. I look forward to learning all the different ways that technology can be utilized in the 21st century classroom as a 21st century teacher.
C. Keegan EDU 521

C. Keegan EDU 521 said...

I can colmpletely relate to the comment published by Kelly because I am also not very experienced with computers, but I do embrace the possibilities that technology has. I agree technology would help engage students and I look forward to all the exciting possibilities to come!

Anonymous said...

Kids in our world today are surrounded by technology. It is what they are accustomed to. In the past, most teachers did not have the luxury of all of this new technology such as blogging or skype, and a lot did not even know how to use computers or have access to them in their classrooms. Even though I am not amazing with technology, I can definitely see myself as a 21st century teacher. The thing that I value most about being a 21st century teacher, is the ability for kids to be able to learn and express themselves in a fun and exciting way. New technology provides children with the opportunity to be creative. I like the point that Carina made that with technology, even the shy students will be able to participate in classroom activities and discussion. Most children learn differently and have different learning styles, so it is important to incorporate technology wherever possible!

Ryann Kramer

Anonymous said...

I know that as i grow as an educator and leader, i am also becoming more of a 21st century teacher. Technology can be incorporated into the curriculum in many ways.I also agree with Kim on the notion that we all should become 21st century teachers.

In the near future i look forward to having my students conduct power point presentations,research relevant information on the web, and become more aware of search engines that can be useful to them in order to complete assignments.

Also,I strongly beleive that teachers spend more time now then ever before researching, and gathering information on the web in order to present and teach information in class (learning resources).

The present day 21st century teacher also spends a great amount of time creating/overseeing blogs on the internet when trying to retrieve feedback from students on a lesson taught in class or a book that was assigned to read.

The two characteristics that i value most as a 21st century teacher is first,assuring that my students gain from my face-to-face and online learning activities. because it is important that the student walks away with some knowledge of what is being taught.

The second characteristic that i love as a 21st century teacher is having my students blog on my classroom website. Blogging can be a way to open up the communication lines between student and teacher. The most quiet student will feel more comfortable presenting an issue on a blog. Students also have an oppurtunity to voice their opinion on a particular topic,as well as debate among each other. Blogging can also be very theraputic and enlightening.

Brenda K

Terry said...

I know I will be a 21st century teacher because my students will demand that of me. Today's students are constantly stimulated by technology and the need for immediate information. For me to be successful I will need to reach all of my students. What better way then through technology? As a special educator of the 21st century my students will need me to differentiate learning style through technology. The different techniques on grasping concepts via technology will allow me to be creative with sound, animation and movement. Technology in the classroom allows the students to learn from a variety of sources. I agree with Carina and Ryann about the use of technology and that it will even let the shy students have a voice!

Terry said...

Brenda brings up a great point about blogging withing the classroom and it reminds me that technology allows us to learn from each other. We all come from different places with different experiences and with time constraints teachers have today, teaching to the test - technology opens the door to learning outside of the classroom.

Max said...

In my opinion, the biggest difference between 21st century teachers and the teachers of yesteryear is that today's teachers are engaging in more authentic interactions with their students, whereas teachers of the past merely presented information. It has often been said that the "sage on the stage" model has been replaced by the concept of a "guide on the side", and I believe this is a change for the better. I feel that a teacher's role is not just to impart information, but rather to guide students in their quest for knowledge.

The second most prevalent difference between today's teachers and those that came before is a dramatic increase in the use of technology in the classroom. This goes hand in hand with the other aforementioned difference, as technologies such as Smartboards, blogs, and videoconferencing are helping to transform the classroom into a truly interactive environment.

With regard to the question of whether or not I consider myself to be a 21st century teacher, my answer is generally yes. I try my best to embody the role of "guide on the side" by allowing students to discover answers instead of spoon-feeding information to them. I have made use of some technologies to help in achieving this, such as PowerPoint presentations and YouTube videos. However, I have not yet made extensive use of more interactive technologies such as blogs and Smartboards. This course has already provided me with some good ideas on how I might go about incorporating these technologies into my teaching, and I hope this continues during the coming weeks.

Max said...

I very much agree with Carina and Ryann's comments about using technology to differentiate instruction. Current technology allows us to cater to a multitude of learning styles and intelligences, and I believe this will help us reach our students better than ever before. The possibilities are truly endless!

Anonymous said...

The classrooms of today are comprised of digital natives. They have not witnessed the rapid advances in technology, it is an something which they have been exposed to their whole lives. Therefore, its effective use can only benefit students since there is a comfort level already in place.

I believe it is inevitable that all teachers whether voluntarily or by mandate will have to integrate technology in the classroom. I was one that swore I would never get a cell phone. Over time, however, it became apparent that I was putting myself at a disadvantage by not having one.

Dan M.

Anonymous said...

I think that Mary's comments about the practicalities of integrating technology into the classroom resonates with many teachers. In an educational utopia, instructors could be free to devise lessons enabling students to critically analyze topics in innovative and creative ways.

However, the reality is when students sit down for Regents exams, they will not be able to rely on digital resources for their output. I believe that the emphasis on technology can tacitly instill in students that "traditional" classroom activities are becoming obsolete.

Dan M.

Anonymous said...

This video had an interesting contrast in that the subject was technology and being a 21st Century teacher yet it was presented in a very simple, non-technological way using handwritten cards. I agree with Terry in that we will all be forced to become 21st century teachers whether we like it or not! The students and the world that we live in will demand it from us! I am not great with technology but enjoy learning new ways to use it and am excited to learn along with my students and to expose them to all sorts of technology. Once you actually use the technology it is not as intimidating as it seems. Powerpoints, Smartboards, videoconferencing, utube, email, class website or blog are all fun and relatively easy to incorporate into teaching methods. I especially agree with the one teacher who noted that video is a great way to reach her visual learners.

Sarah S.

Anonymous said...

One interesting thing I wanted to share is that schools are just beginning to integrate state testing online. My daughter's 4th grade class was chosen as a pilot this past May for NY State testing done online. So eventually maybe even the Regents will become more interactive and be done online.

Sarah S.

Unknown said...

As much as I would like to say that I am a 21st century teacher, I must admit I don’t integrate as much technology into the classroom as I should. What really holds me back from doing interactive learning with the computer is the lack of technology I am provided with in my classroom. I have only one computer in my classroom and this is only because I brought it in. I truly believe that if teachers, especially younger ones like myself were given the materials than we would have no problem becoming a 21ST century teacher. In the meantime I try to incorporate as much technology into their homework as possible, because all my students are lucky enough to have computer access at home.
The teachers in the video talk about all the various activities they incorporate into their curriculum using technology. There is nothing more that I would love than to have my students participate in class websites, interactive white boards, online surveys, virtual field trips, and blogs, but it’s very difficult if your district doesn’t supply you with the needed devices. However, I am very happy to see teachers in other schools are given this opportunity. I wish when I was in school I had the privilege to do these things. I am just learning about most of this in recent years. Growing up there was a computer lab in my school but we simply stuck to typing and software games, I would of never imagined technology developing the way it did.
I value the dedication and drive of the 21st century teachers to incorporate technology the most. I think it is great and what children really need. I try to do as much as I can with my children by signing up for time in the computer lab, but I wish it was accessible to them all the time.

Bianca T.

Anonymous said...

Though I am not yet a classroom teacher, it is a goal of mine to exhibit characteristics of a 21st century teacher when I realize my career goals.

Today’s teachers differ from teachers of the past mainly in the technological media they now facilitate learning with. Educators can utilize white boards in the classroom, maintain class websites, and there are constant additional new media to research. Instructors can also facilitate learning by encouraging students to collaborate in a variety of ways. As demonstrated in this video, learners can blog about divergent topics such as analysis of literature, current events; they can even blog in languages other than English. Digital media allows students to capture a plethora of learning opportunities. Teachers can assign students to create videos also for varying purposes, including the capturing of math in the real world, the synthesis of scientific information and for individual expression. Perhaps most importantly, the creation of videos allows students to express themselves in differentiated learning styles. Instructors also can encourage classmates to interact in technologically advanced ways, as online and face-to-face learning activities are available, virtual field trips are possible; even communication with students across the country can be easy and instant. Educators can employ a constructivist learning approach, furthermore, as students can construct knowledge through participatory Wikis.

Many characteristics of 21st century teachers are admirable and desirable. Out of all such characteristics, however, I most value the quality of meeting different learning styles through technological advancements. Technology alone does not account for differentiated instruction, but as the different types of technological means expand, students have increasing opportunities to discover learning tools that work best for them. As mentioned, visual learners, for example, might find an improved means of assessment and expression of knowledge through creating videos. As technology is not a teacher but rather a medium for facilitating instruction, its growth is most valuable for one main purpose: providing students greater opportunities to learn.

-Jen Meliambro

Anonymous said...

I feel that Terry really underscored the importance of the prevalence of technology presented in this video. Many of the devices mentioned offer differentiation in sound, sights, and kinesthetic- all great options for differentiating instruction. It’s crucial to not merely operate on the premise of technology just for technology’s sake; rather, it’s critical to view and utilize technology as a means of instructional improvement.

-Jen Meliambro

Sarah Jane M. said...

When thinking back to my elementary through high school classroom experiences, the biggest difference that comes to mind between the 20th century classrooms and the 21st century classrooms is the amount of interaction and engagement that occurs during a lesson. I remember sitting in classrooms for hours on end simply copying notes from a board while a teacher lectured for a full 40 minute period. I like to consider myself a growing 21st century teacher because I am continually trying to create and implement constructivist activities in my classroom through the use of different technologies. I use my SmartBoard daily, but know that I can be doing more with it and try to attend workshops on how to enrich my teaching with the interactive whiteboard whenever possible. The characteristic of the 21st century teacher that I value the most is the concept of giving our students a sense of the global community. As our students become adults, they must learn to connect, communicate, and create as the video mentions in order to thrive in their future. As an inclusion social studies teacher, I feel that students must become more aware of the world around them and the issues that are impacting their lives. Some ways to do this are through virtual field trips and blogging with students around the world, in addition to the numerous other ways students can interact with the world around them. In my opinion, the 21st century teacher must first and foremost be a 21st century learner.

Sarah Jane M. said...

I also agree stronly with Max's "guide on the side" approach. Especially in today's technology rich world, I feel it is important to be a facilitator in learning instead of just a fountain of knowledge.

Anonymous said...

I am not a 21st century teacher. I do not have access to smartboards, but I can access a computer room quite often. I generally use it to have the students research information that directly relates to classroom content. The teachers of the past are limited relative to visual and auditory stimuli for the children. The teachers of the past can institute many social situations and opportunities but cannot always engage the shy students. I would like to be able to use blogs for students to react to different articles. This can give all the students a voice. In addition to this, I would like to post videos from various sources for the students to watch (including YouTube and BrainPop). I could then ask questions based on the videos to assess learning. I feel this will create a more fun environment for the students.

Brian Gladstone

Anonymous said...

I am a 21st century teacher. I love using the smart board, and other technology to conduct lessons when I volunteer in a classroom. As a future teacher, I can’t wait to have the opportunity of using more technology in my classroom.
The characteristics of today teachers are they have more capability to engage students with technology, especially since today generation of students use technology in their daily life. The today teachers have more possibility of conducting lessons that does not rely only on paper and pencil. It is important that we as teachers have the ability to teach students the importance of using technology in a productive and fulfilling matter.
The teachers of today differ from teacher of the past simply because of the advancement of technology, and the possibility of switching from teacher centered to student centered in teaching. The teachers from the past mostly lecture and have limited interaction of stimulating the students. Teachers of today have more possibility of stimulating students with technology, and conducting lessons to help students with different learning styles.
The characteristics of a 21st century teacher is having the ability to evolve with technology and finding better way to educate our students. The possibilities we have to create a learning environment with technology will cater students to learn. As teachers, we can only grow with technology and find new ways to engage our students to learn.

Kricel F.

Anonymous said...

I believe that it is important to lean how to become a 21 century teacher, since technology is used in today’s world. Technology is in everything we do. The message of the video is to learn, inspire, support,and challenge your students to be the best . The cue cards was a nice idea. It made you focus on the words and its meaning, instead of the person.
Jennifer S.

Anonymous said...

I am a 21st century teacher. I use technology in my classroom every day. It’s a mandate by my school district. However, I feel that there is a tremendous and unlimited amount of technology available to my students that I need to tap into. I would like to use technology to engage my students and make them want to learn. I have considered that they probably have used the internet to complete homework or used a website to find information about a report, but I have never directly told them to use it. I would like to make technology a more integrated part of my lessons. At this point, I am learning how to use the clickers with my Smartboard. I am excited because the kids are excited and “excited” is the best way to learn.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Danielle, Kim, and Natalie. It is a fact that we need to adapt to the changing environment around us. The amount of knowledge we can open our kids to is unthinkable, when you consider what was available before technology. However, I feel that because it is so easy to get tons of information, all not always correct, we must teach our students to filter and figure out for themselves the correct information from the false. Additionally, like it was said, we need to adapt to the changing needs of our students. We need to be more rigorous about the assignments we allocate to students. Because it is so easy to get a wealth of information, we need to make our students think further and not just transcribe information from the web. Students need to become more accountable for their knowledge and thinking than ever before.
J. Dupas….Ps I wrote the one before this too.

Anonymous said...

I agree with most of the previous comments that we as educators need to adapt to new technology and understand how helpful it can be in our classes. The video is very effective at showing the different ways that teachers today use technology in their class. Some great examples included in the video were creating a wiki and maintaining a blog. Often times technology can be used to get the attention of students and to motivate them. Also, through the use of technology students may feel that a particular topic becomes more relevant and interesting to them.
-Thomas Mehldau

Anonymous said...

All of us new teachers just coming into the world of teaching need to accomodate to the developing world around us. Although, I am not one to include technology in every single aspect of my teaching, I do use it plenty during my lessons. After watching this video and previous videos, as well as learning new things in class, I ambeginning to realize that there are endless possibilities to using technology and the internet and computers in our classrooms and with our students. Not just to complete nice neat projects but also to expand their horizons and their knowledge. To help them interact with and communicate with other students and other cultures around the world. It gives them the ability to find information at the tips of their fingers in seconds. I guess what I'm saying, is that I am starting to become a bigger fan and more of a believer in technology in my classroom. I do very much agree with Sonia though, that we do need to be properly educated on the correct and most beneficial ways to integrate technology. We need to be taught and educated on these programs and tools thoroughly before introducing them and using them in the classroom. I really enjoyed this video. I think it's great, especially for new teachers, and teacher's who are a little nervous or unsure about using so much technology in their classroom with their students.

-Angela Tornincaso.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the other comments in my class that indicate the importance of using technology in the classroom to engage students to learn. I also agree with Jennifer that it is important that we inspire, support, and challenge our students.

Amanda's ESL Blog said...

I believe that I am a 21st century teacher. Even though I do enjoy utilizing technology in the classroom, I feel as a student training to become and educator, we were taught how to become a successful teacher through using technology. It is almost looked down upon if a teacher does not use the resources that they are supplied with today. Technology has become such a huge factor in our society and it is important that we, as teachers, learn how to manipulate it to its fullest capabilities.
Teachers today are very different from teachers in the past. Technology has influenced the today’s teachers to become more flexible in differentiating learning styles for the students. I agree with Kricel when she stated how the classrooms have become more student centered rather than teacher centered. Technology has given the students a voice and a sense of independence in the classroom. Teachers of the past are more in control and “stuck in their ways”. They think they know what works and want to continue doing so. This is not a beneficial learning environment for students.
When characterizing a 21st century teacher, I believe it is a person who is dedicated to finding the best ways for learning. It is someone who truly cares about the students and wants to engage them into their lessons.

Anonymous said...

I feel that as a 21st century teacher it is very important to include these technological breakthroughs into the classroom. It is very evident that all students know how to text, so why not incorporate their outside information and let them apply it in class. I agree with the videos message that with increased usage in amounts of technology that student productivity will increase both in the classroom and at home.

Nicholas Hablenko

Anonymous said...

I agree with the class that technology is becoming more important by the day. I have personal experience with these new technologies being a special education T.A. At first all of the new applications of technology can be overwhelming but if you take the time to learn the new inovations you will realize how much easier it makes the job. One of the goals of teaching is to engage the students in a lesson and this video showed some great ideas to use in the classroom. I loved the qoute at the end "who dares teach must never cease to learn". It is important to keep up with new inovations because if we don't learn the new technologies we as teachers will become obsolete.

Anonymous said...

I feel that it's important to incorporate technology into the learning environment these days, thus making us 21st century teachers. The different types of technology available for educational purposes is far better than what used to be limited to students. All the different ways to teach students is very helpful, if at first slightly overwhelming. It all appeals to different learning styles and can be effective learning tools for students who otherwise have a difficult time processing information. I hope that when I become an elementary school teacher that I make an effort to include technological resources into my lessons and daily academic life for my students.
-Cynthia Q-B.

Natalie J. said...

Twenty-first century teachers are probably not so much different than previous teachers except for the fact that they have so much more information on their hands to use, to learn, and to adapt to the curriculum, their students, and their own teaching style. Watching the video, it seemed to me that in order to meaningfully incorporate the technology, teachers need to be inventive, highly adaptable, and not only tolerant of rapid change, but also comfortable with it. It’s this last--tolerant and even comfortable with rapid change--that perhaps makes today’s teachers different from earlier generations of teachers. This is the quality I value most, and the one I myself need to develop. I was impressed with the variety of ways the teachers in the video found to use technology, especially in terms of differentiation and meeting individual student needs. I suspect that for me it is going to be a challenge to find ways to do this, and I was not surprised at all to see the amount of time teachers said they spent on research and planning.

Anonymous said...

Mary Beth brings up a point that I find intimidating for my own self. I will be one of those teachers who grew up without the technology of today. What I hope is that my students will be a terrific resource. I think a good teacher is always learning (as so clearly stated in the video) and even without technology, I think such teachers have always learned how to be better because they were willing to learn from students over the years.

Anonymous said...

Nicole K

I feel that I am on my way to becoming a 21st century teacher. Through my entire career as a student I became used to the old way to teaching, In class we didn't have the technology that students now had. Smartboards were unheard of when I was in High School. But as technology advances and is brought into the classroom I hope to do the same. The resources are limitless and I find it fascinating.

Today's teachers are different than those of the past due to the fact that we have had more exposure with technology and have grown with it. We now have access to limitless amounts of information at the tips of our fingers. And using technology also expands lessons, and helps us reach all of the intelligences.

The characteristic of a 21st century teacher which I value most is the fact that a 21st century teacher is always open to learning new things. Finding the new technology to introduce to the classroom and make the learning experience enjoyable for the students.

Anonymous said...

I think 21st century teachers are way different then the teachers before us. In society today children as well as the teachers rely too much on internet usage. When I saw that children are taking virtual field trips instead of actual field trips my heart sank. In my opinion the children who see the exhibit or location virtualy are not getting the real experience. They are seeing the field trip online and getting someone elses view on the area.
Don't get me wrong the computer is a get resourse for children of all ages but I think my question is, "When is it just too much?"
-Stephanie S

Anonymous said...

This video inspired me to want to become more of a 21st century teacher. Right now I do use some technology in the classroom but I can definitely expand what I am already doing. I liked that the video showed that teachers must take the time to learn and relearn because technology is always changing and evolving. It takes a lot of time and effort to become a 21st century teacher but the outcome is well worth it.
The video shows how technology can help every type of learner. A shy student can find a voice through blogging and a visual learner can understand difficult concepts through videos. Using the 21st century resources allows teachers to create and deliver lessons based on the students learning styles.
I believe that it is important for every teacher to learn enough to become a 21st century teacher. If teachers being to do this we will see a huge success rate for students.
Jamie F

Anonymous said...

I agree with many of the comments expressed here regarding the need for 21st century teachers to be adaptable to new technologies. I must admit that I feel I am straddling the invisible line between excitement and eagerness to learn all the amazing new technology, and fear that I will forever lag behind. The extent of technology I remember in school was the overhead projector. I hope that I can adapt and learn to incorporate not only what I have learned up to this point in the way of innovative teaching tools, but continue to learn more in order to be a more effective teacher. These new technologies, as the video states, are so important in reaching students through their learning styles, through differentiation of instruction, and most importantly, through the devices that are a major component of their lives outside of the classroom.
~Cindy A.

Anonymous said...

“Its not about the Technology itself… It’s about unleashing the powers that the students bring with them into the classroom.” This was the most important lesson that I learned when watching this short four-minute video. These teachers presented terrific ideas of how to use technology in their lesson plans in order to enrich their lessons and motivate their students to learn. That is what I think technology does best, is that it is able to motivate students to learn and keeps them excited and interested. In this short video I was able to get multiple ideas how to use technology in the classroom and adapt it to many different subjects as well as learning styles. As a 21st century teacher we are moving away from just the pencil to paper learning style and broadening our teaching methods. With the idea that every student is different with different learning preferences the 21st century teacher is introduced to new tools that help us teach to these different learning styles. The key is that these teachers need to spend their time and energy to take the time to learn about what is out there and how to use these new devices and how to incorporate them into their lesson. If you are truly a “21st century teacher” then you would take this time to grow as a teacher and create the lesson that is more appropriate for these modern times and creates an environment that is more comfortable and exciting to learn. That is technologies greatest impact, not that they are cool gadgets, but they are able to get a student excited and motivated about their learning and which will “unleash the powers that the students bring with them into the classroom”

Mary V.

Anonymous said...

As a 21st Century teacher, I realize that more and more forms of technology are being see in classrooms today. Technology in the classroom is very important today. Technology allows teachers to be diverse in their teaching methods, allows them to begin each lesson in a way that is more exciting than just writing on the chalkboard. Through devices such as the smart board, students can become more interactive in their learning experience. Through computers and the internet, learners are able to explore websites that will enhance their experience. And finally, through blogs, students are able to communicate with eachother, as well as the teacher. In the 21st Century, technology brings so much more to the table. Technology opens all new doors and learning experiences not only to students, but to teachers as well.
Brittany F
Saturdays 9am

Anonymous said...

A good teacher is one that is always learning new things to teach students. As a 21st century teacher this should include the new technology that is out there today. This is the time when schools are slowly, but constantly, getting in new equipment to go along with this new technology. Unfortunately, some teachers do not formilarize themselves with it to use it. For me, it can be overwhelming, but through continuous learning of the new technology, I hope to incorporate a lot of what I learn into my own classroom.
Jackie Az

Tom G said...

I agree with Brittany teachers today in the 21st century are able to be very diverse in their teaching methods today using the new technology. The use of technology in the classroom today is very beneficial to all students. Shy students can speak up on class blogs, visual learners can learn more by watching viral videos, and slower learning students can re learn the lesson on the class website while being home. For technology to be fully effective in a classroom a teacher must be the student at times to learn the new and improved technology that is always being updated.
Tom G

Ms. B said...

As I watched this video, I began to realize how happy I am that I chose 21st Century Literacy as my theme for my final Weebley project for EDU 521 - from all the research I've conducted, I have learned a lot about the cross-curricular themes teachers need to incorporate into daily instruction. These themes are used to reinforce the 21st Century skills students need to be successful now and in their future lives. As educators, it is our job to stay current on various current events, technology, and be aware of the issues that our students will face in the future.

Literacy is the one and only factor that can guarantee children's success in life - despite any socioeconomic, cultural, and/or family problems, a student who is literate is more likely to rise above these issues and succeed in life. 21st Century educators play a vital role in this success. We must, at the very least, ensure that our students are literate in reading & writing, as well as critical thinking, global awareness, civic literacy, health literacy, & financial literacy.

Teachers in the 21st Century must always be pushing their students to think about their thinking & examine, utilize, and explore alternate routes, mediums, and points of view across the curriculum as well as in real life situations.

Lauren Bonanno

Karen B. said...

I agree with Mary D. that teachers have to be open to technology and embrace it as a tool that engages the students and connects them to the world around them. The video itself I thought was an excellent tool for inspiring teachers to use technology in classroom and also provided ways in which technology can be used in the classroom that actually provides more of a social connection among students instead of less.
Karen B.

Anonymous said...

I agree with many of you when you said you felt that using and learning new technology is exciting. Also, I feel implementing it into the classroom is exciting as well. We, as 21st century educators, are different from the teachers of our parents age because we can use technology to engage every type of learner. Also, we can implement technology into every aspect of the lesson and use them as transitions to influence students to want to learn and be excited for what is going to happen next in the lesson. -Christina D.

Anonymous said...

This podcast makes me realize how important EDU 521 really is! It also makes me aware of how important technology, espeically the internet (specifically web 2.0 and 3.0) is going to be for teachers in the 21st century, and the field of education. One of the main objectives of a teacher is to try to meet all the learning standards one would find in a classroom, technology is making that more and more possible.
-Mike S.

Jena said...

I feel that everyone here really believes in the 21st century teacher and I do too. It think it is vitally important to break away from the "same old, same old" way of teaching, particularly with a textbook, because our students cannot relate to that style and because there are so many great resources availible it would be wrong to not use them.

I am however sceptical. What happens when technology doesn't work? I mean really, how many times do you go to use a smartboard or powerpoint and it stops working. How do you know you are going to be in a school that has technology readily available?

Also a person in a previous class of mine said there is a fine line between engaging and entertaining. This a very true comment and hopefully as we better train ourselves in the future as 21st century teachers we will learn which technology has the student learn best and which ones just makes them like you best.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Karen B. I too felt this video was excellent and inspiring to all educators. Being a new teacher, I try to find ways that I can connect with my students and have them understand the classroom material to the best of their abilities. This video helped motivate me to continue using new technology in my classroom. At times it can be strenuous and discouraging to constantly look up new information and new ways to teach, but in the end IT'S WORTH IT! The success of our students is extremely important for our country's future. Times are changing and all educators must realize this so we can better prepare our students for this new world we are living in.
-Kristine D.

Anonymous said...

As the previous comments mentioned, many of us teachers now did not have access to technology in the classroom when we went to school. In elementary school I had maybe two computers in the back of the room that were never used. A projector was used only half of the time.Most of the learning came from reading textbooks and doing worksheets. Today, learning is very hands on. When I student taught, my students were familiar with using blogs, power point, interactive software with their classmates and loved coming up to the smartboard to roll the dice or answer a question. and many other websites were used frequently with the kids. They loved it. I think it is very important for teachers to keep engaging the students with technology in the classroom. The more enriched a topic is with differentiated instruction the more beneficial it will be for your students.
-Kaitlyn D

Nicole said...

I agree with everyone! It is so great that today educators, and future educators are excited about becoming 21st century teachers. We seem to be doing a great job learning new technology to be able to bring into the classroom to keep up with the constant changing times. It is so important to incorporate these mediums into our classrooms to teach students different, multimodal ways to learn information. Students today are growing up with lots of technology, and therefore, we as educators must keep up with them to bring it into the classroom. Students will only benefit from the varieties of mediums and different ways to view information and ideas. It is wonderful we can teach students to explore different options that they have available to them today. I hope to be a 21st century teacher in my own classroom in the future.

Riain said...

I agree that technology can reach a number of different learning styles. Inclusion classes can greatly benefit from technology in the classroom. This video suggest that technology plays a factor in how well a child is educated. Although I feel the best teachers only need a pieace of chalk and a blackboard I enjoy the technologies of today.

Anonymous said...

I believe that I am and will be a 21st century teacher. I feel that it is important because of how profound and available these new and upcoming websites are today. Students of all ages are growing up with technology, and it is important as teachers and educators that we maintain and learn these sites and the benefits of the sites in order to help our students and the future. With technology, students with learning disabilities, gifted children, and those who are on the spectrum can learn in their own unique ways, and find out which method of learning is best for them. I think that it is imperative that the future educators are willing and able to become 21st century teachers.

Christina G.

Anonymous said...

Being a teacher in today’s society, children are brought up with technologies that we did not utilize till we were much older. This puts a lot of responsibility on us the teacher to fully understand the new technology before incorporating it into the classroom. Just incorporating a website or program because it might be engaging is not enough. We must first understand what it is we want the students to take from the lesson and then find the proper form of technology that will aid us in the process. The technology should not replace our teaching but enhance it.

Matt M

Interesting ESL By Ashley said...

I feel that in order to be an effective teacher and fully engage your students, it is extrememly important to be a 21 century teacher. There are so many resources and capabilities available through technology, it fully allows teachers to reach students multiple intelligences and varying needs. Also, it is important as a teacher, to stay up to date with current technology, and developments, so that you may pass that value onto your students. I aggree with Nicole K., saying that the most important characteristic of a 21st century teacher is that they are open to learning new things and finding new technology to enhance students learning experience.

Kent A. said...

Tech is a very powerful tool, and resource, but as the old saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility. There was one comment that stuck out to me while watching the video was that as teachers, we must never cease to keep learning ourselves. That being said, we must have the information literacy to be able to select and use appropriate sites, or sources of information that will enhance, and enrich the learning experience for our students.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone. In order to be an effective teacher, we all must be in touch with todays technology. Teachers that lack the knowledge of technology, can not incorporate it into their classrooom and this can pose issues for some children. I feel that it is extremely important for teachers to keep up with new technology, especially since the world revolves around it.
Jamie L

Anonymous said...

Teachers of the 21st Century face great challenges trying to get through to the students of today, because the world through technology is changing at such a rapid pace then ever before. Teachers must constently stay current and on the cutting edge of technology in order to engage and break through to their students. The children of today are being raised in a world that is completely submersed in new technology. I believe 21 century teachers ability to adapt and utilize technology for their students will effect their students postively by making learning interesting, interactive, and more meaningful.

Jennifer Walsh said...

@ Kelly – I’m in the same boat as you Kelly, I know the bare minimum about technology, but I find it so exciting because everytime I get on a computer I’m learning something new. The one thing that has surprised me is how much more I know than some veteran teachers. Some of them have smart boards and don’t know how to use them, or are afraid to use them. I have a friend who is a 1st grade teacher for 14 years and she come to me for help when it comes to researching and computers..
Many teachers in the past have had one set curriculum and used it year after year. Curriculum changes, students change, time changes everything, therefore it is very important that each year we make sure we change our curriculums to meet the needs of all students. In the past there weren’t a lot of professional workshops available, I think that all teachers and future teachers need to constantly educate themselves and update their technological skills.
What I most value in a 21st century teacher is their desire to continuing educating themselves as well as their students. I admire the fact that they encourage students to take chances, make mistakes, and then learn from them.
I believe I will be a 21st century teacher because I am being equipped right now in graduate school with different tools, activities, and lessons that I can implement in my classroom. Today’s students have access to many different technologies such as smart boards, laptops, desk tops, kindles, and iphones. It is so important for veteran teachers and incoming teachers to have some background knowledge in each of these areas.
Jen W.

Anonymous said...

I believe teachers today need to be 21st century educators to reach students who use technology everyday. Todays teachers use technology to reach diverse learners and those with different learning styles.
I believe that I am a 21st century teacher because I spend a lot of time researching activities that I can use on my SmartBoard. Even though I work with very young children, I incorporate technology in our daily routine.
Today's teachers are very different from teachers of the past. Teachers today have access to different technologies are are more aware of the benefits in using technology in the classroom.
The characteristics of the 21st century teacher that I value the most is that they use technology to reach diverse learners who may learn best using visuals as well as students who are too shy to speak up in class but feel comfortable writing.

Anonymous said...

I believe teachers today need to be 21st century educators to reach students who use technology everyday. Todays teachers use technology to reach diverse learners and those with different learning styles.
I believe that I am a 21st century teacher because I spend a lot of time researching activities that I can use on my SmartBoard. Even though I work with very young children, I incorporate technology in our daily routine.
Today's teachers are very different from teachers of the past. Teachers today have access to different technologies are are more aware of the benefits in using technology in the classroom.
The characteristics of the 21st century teacher that I value the most is that they use technology to reach diverse learners who may learn best using visuals as well as students who are too shy to speak up in class but feel comfortable writing.
-Elizabeth B

Anonymous said...

I am amazed at how much technology has impacted our classrooms since i was last in school. The last time I was in a classroom, since returning to obtain my masters, was in 2005. I graduated high school in 1998. I cannot believe how much technology has grown in our classrooms over the course of this time. I feel so out of the loop, as I have never created a podast, contributed to a blog or used facebook to engage in a classroom discssion. I LOVE how much technology has progressed and how many doors it has opened to me as a current student.
I am so excited to think about the future possibilities that technology can bring into my future classroom. I feel that it is a teachers responsability to become a 21st century teacher, if they are not already. They owe it to their students to utilizes all the tools that are available to them to increase learning and to enhance their learning experience.

Anonymous said...

I also agree with many of the previous posters that technology can be a very beneficial tool when used with learning diabled students or ESL students. Technology can also help teachers stay in touch with parents and help keep parents informed of current and future classroom activities.

Anonymous said...

I completely consider myself a 21st century teacher. From the time I was a student in high school, I have always felt that in order to keep up with students, teachers need to keep up with technology. Over the past decade or so, we have seen the pace of technology move quicker than it ever has before. With that in mind, one can only think its only going to get faster. With social networking at the level its at, along with the rise of smart phones and music sharing, teachers need to take advantage of these growing trends. By moving away from the basic lecture and note taking in the classroom and progressing to online sharing so on, the interests of the students will rise, and the teachers will have a much easier time teaching. The simple act of moving homework assignments from the textbook to the internet can do wonders for both teachers and students. While it has to be taken into consideration that learning to adapt to technology may be harder for older teachers, I believe we should all do are part in helping adapt best to student interest.

I really like what Elizabeth had to say about the benefits of 21st century teachers using technology to communicate better with diverse students. The great thing about technology is that it can help diverse students feel more comfortable in learning, rather than having the added pressure of trying to understand the teacher in person.

Reed C.

Anonymous said...

In the world we live in I feel it is crucial for all teachers to strive to become 21st century teachers. The days of lecturing and rapid note taking every day should be over for students. With the use of the Internet and other technologies available in most classrooms it would be a great disservice to the students to not incorporate it in your lessons. The main goal of schooling in my opinion is to better prepare your students for the outside world. By having the students learn and work with all of these technologies will only help them in the "real world". As teachers using all the available technologies is also a brilliant way to differentiate instruction to your students. Youtube clips could be shown to students who learn better visually, podcasts for auditory learners and even online scavenger hunts and webquests for students who learn better with hands on activities. The use of technology in the outside world continues to grow each day. It is a necessity for us as teachers to make sure the next generation of America does not fall behind.

-Keith Galante

Andrew F said...

Andrew F.
"Who dares to teach must never cease to learn". This quote ended the video and I wholeheartedly agree! We've all had teachers who knew their suject matter but lacked enthusiasm, failed to make the material relevant,or didn't keep up with new methods of teaching. As students we dreaded attending their classes. Now, my friends,with all of the available technology we have the opportunity to make learning fun.We can help our students with different learning styles. Students will enjoy learning with all of the new technologies such as searching the internet, blogging,videos, and creating class web sites.What a compliment for students to say that they love our class and that they are learning a lot! Isn't that why we want to teach? Some of you are intimidated. Am I intimidated by all of the new technology? You can bet on it, but that's why I'm in this class - to learn as much as possible and bring these new teaching modalities to my classroom.
The teachers in the video claimed we will be able to "unleash the students' powers", we will "digitally empower" them, and even the shy students will participate with blogs.
Keith said we will be able to help our students in the "real world". Bravo!Very poignant! Isn't that our goal? I shoud think so!
I assume that all of us want to be 21st century teachers. At our fingertips we have more opportunities to help our students succeed. There is not one form of technology I like the best. Knowing that there likely is at least one way to rech EVERY student is what makes me happy,as opposed to the past when teachers were more limited.

Anonymous said...

I consider myself to be a 21st century teacher. I try to integrate technology into as many lessons as possible as long as it enhances the learning process. As the teachers in the video stated, I feel that the use of technology allows students to use more of their multiple intelligences and become a more active learner. Teachers today are different then teachers of the past because they are more innovative and put more effort into their lessons. A 21st century teacher will connect to their students and learn their interest to help them connect to the material appropriately. I believe an important aspect of a 21st century teacher is the ability and urge to connect to the diverse needs of students learning. All students learn differently and now teachers are devoted to creating a learning community to accept all learners.
I agree with several of the ideas that Reed was commenting on. Teachers are beginning to use the internet more in order to reach out the students' interest. A student in present day will most likely more interested in using the internet for a homework assignment or in a lesson instead of listening to a lecture. This allows students to become more eager to engage in learning and lessons will become more meaningful.

-Naomi R.

Anonymous said...

The "A Vision of 21st Century Teachers" films brings a plethora or reasons why 21st century teachers need to prepare themselves and implement teaching with various technologies. One of the main points of the video is not to use technology just for it heck of it, but to use it to best prepare our students for the future and maximize their abilities.

The film has a quote that resonates "prepare our students for the future not the past." The classroom needs to continue to change alongside our society. If we're preparing them to become productive citizens we must use all the tools at our disposal.

-Thomas V

Anonymous said...


you brought up a great point in that each student learns differently therefore we must teach in multiple ways to reach each student. This is where the use of technology greatly aids. The days of straight blackboard lecture and notes are long gone, and as a student & teacher I'm glad to see we've made progress.

-Thomas V

Anonymous said...

I feel that I am a 21st Century teacher. I believe that I incorporate various technology to meet the different needs of my students. There was quote at the end of the video that really spoke to me, it said, "Those who teach must never cease to learn." I definitely agree with this quote and feel that it says a lot about teaching. Unfortunately, there are some teachers in the building that I work in, who are resistant to change and resistant to learning new ways to teach. Sometimes I feel like saying your resistance to learning about technology and new ways to teach is part of the reason why you are not connecting to your students and having so many behavior problems. Students nowadays are so used to getting information instantly from the internet that we need to learn more ways to use technology in the classroom. This technology engages them and allows us to reach the different learning modalities. I look forward to learning about more resources in this class.

Anonymous said...

Thomas V.,

I agree with your comment. "Prepare our students for the future, not the past," was another quote from the video that really spoke to me. We need to prepare our students to be responsible, global citizens, and using technology helps us get them there.

Anonymous said...

I most definitely strive to be a teacher - and learner - of the 21st century. More resources than ever are available to us to make our curriculum interesting, attractive, and easy to access. By learning how to use these resources to our advantage, we move toward a more student-centered and differentiated style of teaching to improve the chance of success of all our students. In addition, teachers of the 21st century are considered to be learners and creative thinkers as well, and more emphasis will be put on lesson planning and adjusting. I am excited to see how my profession no longer requires us, as well as the students, to simply follow an unquestioned curriculum, using the same material, learning only one kind of way. Like Deena and Thomas said, the quote "we need to prepare our students for the future - not for tests" really sums it up. By being a 21st century teacher, we teach our students to be responsible and participating members in a growing global community. These skills will be invaluable to them in their future lives.

Dan M. said...

Technology implemented within a classroom setting should, in fact, enhance the given lesson rather than just be used due to its availability. Howard Gardner's multiple intelligence concept speaks to the presence of various learning styles and processes for each individual learner. Therefore, the introduction of technology within the classroom can aide an educator in reaching all students rather than most. Education is gearing towards a more student centered environment free of the old"chalk-and-talk" approaches of the past. IN the age of technology, it is critical for an educator to be familiar with the available technological tools and be able to successfully and effectively incorporate them within a given lesson. I agree with the message being delivered by this video and I am very aware of the inevitability of a major influx in the presence of technology in the classroom.

Dan M. said...

Andrew, I completely agree with your comments. I firmly believe as well that the educators of tyoday must be well equipped with various approaches to instruction to ensure that every child is being effectively reached. The presence of varying learning styles in the classroom are becoming more and more evident as we move continuously towards full inclusion. It is the job of the educator to ensure each child's right to an education. I also agree that there are more available utensils that equip an educator today with a vast continuum of methodologies and modalities of delivering a successful lesson. The instant and infinite availability of resources is an amazing tool now within the arsenal of an educator that most can say was not so in the past.

Maris said...

This video was extremely captivating, despite its lack of words. My favorite part was when the teacher held the sign "I am a 21st century teacher...and learner," because it is true of all. In order to teach with technology, we have to learn with it. I believe I am a 21st century teacher because when planning lessons, I use many online resources and activities. Also, I plan interactive lessons with the Smart Board. Today's teachers are different than in the past because our generation grew up using technology. Therefore, we expect our students to understand and use it. The characteristics I value most of 21st century teachers are our ability to see out knowledge and acquire knowledge.

-Marisa G.

Anonymous said...

According to the video , a 21st century teacher incorporates technology into the classroom in order to benefit the students and the learning environment in the classroom. I do feel that I will take on some of the characteristics of a 21st century teacher but I do not think i will use technology unless it truley adds to the lesson. I don't think technology is needed in order for students to communicate and interact. Children's social skills will deminish if all discussions and interaction happens over a computer. I think face to face interaction is much more important. I also woudln't want virtual field trips to replace actual field trips, because hands on learning is so importnat for children. I feel that technology is great when used properly, but I woudln't want to see technology replace face to face interaction and hands on learning.

-Danielle C

Anonymous said...

Technology is such a big part of the world. I think all teachers need to use technology to help teach students and help them prepare for the future. As an early educator, teachers role is create the foundation of learning. Why not also create the foundation for students in the technology realm? Like Lauren said... Students will probably pick up the information better and quicker than you'd think. Teachers should use all medias and learning styles to teach their students.

Kate M

Anonymous said...

I believe that I am very much so a 21st century teacher. I believe that it is essential for teachers to be knowledgeable on technology in order to integrate it into the curriculum. In today's society, students are continuously exposed to and working with technology; therefore they must understand it.

Years ago, teachers did not integrate any forms of technology into the curriculum, which now makes it difficult for the older population of teachers to teach.

Agreeing with my fellow colleagues, "I liked how this video incorporated technology into different content areas, grasping various concepts, and understanding the global world." Overall in order to be a highly qualified teacher, I believe it is necessary to be educated on techonlogy integration in the classroom.

-Christina D.

Anonymous said...

Technology has clearly become a great part in our daily life especially in education. twenty-first century teachers use technology to engage students in something that they are comfortable with. There are many different ways for students to learn using technology that were described in the video, such as blogging and watching videos.
The accessibility of information due to the different types of technology such as smart boards, ipads, and smartphones allows students to excel academically.
Technology can also become extremely useful for special ed students and help them understand information in the way they know how.
-Katie C

Anonymous said...

I think that the upcoming class of teacher has an advantage over the past waves in being a 21st century teacher. Since most of us grew up with technology we have a head start on using it. Lots of teachers now have the whiteboards but do not use them properly or to their full extent because they do not understand how to and don't want to take time to learn. The key is to keep yup with the changes and what the students are currently using in their homes, which can be hard. A smart thing to do as teachers may be to take technology classes that help us stay up-to-date on the newest programs and technology or even to have the students give presentations on technology they are using or just to use the technology in some assignment that they have been given. I agree with Jackie in that technology is constantly changing and we need to keep up with is as well or we will become boring to the students and it will be similar to chalk and talk to them.
James S.

Anonymous said...

I believe that as I grow as a teacher I am becoming a 21st century teacher. I think it's important to stick to some original values and learning methods from the past so that future students don't depend so highly only on technology but also their brains, but I also feel that it's important to use the technology to our advantage and get students to learn topics in new more interesting ways. The teachers of the past did not have the same access to technology we do and there for it was harder to engage students. I think if we dont take our ability to access information and communicate on so many technological levels that it can better the classroom experience for students as well as teachers.

Justin B.

Anonymous said...

As James S. said, it is true that the upcoming class of teacher has an advantage over the past waves in being a 21st century teacher.
I know that I already am years beyond my predecessors--merely because of the fact that when they have a technology issue in their classroom, they will send a student to ask me to come fix it.
However, I also think that it is imperative for this new wave of teachers to not rely so heavily on technology.
Some traditional methods of teaching, truly are irreplaceable. Nonetheless, I am excited to be blossoming as a teacher at this point during the technology revolution that we are in. How exciting!

Jackie D.

Erin M. said...

I really enjoyed closing with this video. It was inspiring to see the diversity among the teachers and their approaches to incorporating technology and learning styles in their classrooms. I believe that I am becoming a 21st century teacher. It is an evolutionary process. Before this class I did not know all the technology that was available for teachers and students. More importantly, I did not know how to effectively include it in classroom instruction. When I went to school, teachers in the past were “queens” or the “kings” of the classroom. Our desks were lined up in rows and there was little group work. That all changed somewhere in the 5th grade. I remember working in groups on many projects. Those were the classes that left a lasting impression on me. Technology is no where what it is now. Computer class was like music. It was a “special.” As students we attended 1 hour per week and worked on various projects. There was not a computer in the classroom. The extent of our technology was an overhead projector. It’s amazing how rapidly technology changes in such a short period of time. I especially enjoyed reading the card about the teacher learning and relearning. I agree with the teacher who displayed this card. I always want to remain teachable as an educator. Challenge, inspire, and engage my students are 3 words that I would like to live by in my classroom. We truly are a global community of teachers helping the future agents of change grow and evolve. In order for our students to succeed we have to remain current technology and incorporate it into meaning instruction and assignments.

Jenna H. said...

I agree with Erin, this video was inspirational to see all these teachers with their different learning styles and why they are 21st century teachers. I love how they said about being a 21st century teacher is not just about the technology, it's about how we use that technology to better ourselves and our students, and how we can change the way we learn certain things by using those technologies. I think I'm a 21st century teacher because I not only use the technology but I care how that technology can assist certain students to better understand what they are learning. I think today's teachers can experience so much more and have the ability to go the extra mile with the use of technology. The characteristic that I value the most is seeing how technology can assist my students and to enable them to understand the world around them better because of not only what they learn, but how they are learning it as well.

Danielle A. said...

I really enjoyed this video and feel that it sums up our semester very nicely. I am a very firm believer in that teachers are always learning as well. Technology is moving so fast that it is up to us as educators to remain informed and be able to pass on this information to our students. I really liked how the video used posters with words to explain the benefits and ways that teachers are approaching new styles. It was a different way to carry a point across. I also agree with the ways that technology is playing such a huge part in the classrooms. I believe teachers must spend extra hours outside of school to develop and work on technology based lessons to add a special element to teaching. Student learning styles are able to be explored and helped when using technology in the classroom, which is so important for special education teachers. Students are embracing technology and having it become a huge priority in their lives, so why not as teachers use this to learn? I think using blogs, texting, videos, and cameras are excellent examples of how to capture student interest in the material, as well as allow them to explore and learn on their own. I also believe that starting this use of technology in the elementary classrooms is preparing students for a bright future in careers. I am always willing and excited to learn new ways that technology can be utilized in my lessons. I hope to share this video with some co-workers to open their eyes to the fabulous world of technology and how it can be used today in the classroom.

Anonymous said...

This video was great and really pulled me in. I really liked how they noted so many different ways that these teachers use technology in their classroom. It shows that there is so much that can be done with technology and I think any teacher would be inspired to integrate more technology into their instruction after watching this video. I believe that I am a "21st Century Teacher" because I am interested in all of the new technology that is out there and I love learning about ways to use it. Older teachers may not be aware of, or understand, the real benefits that come along with the use of technology. Many veteran teachers are stuck in their ways, or are just uncomfortable with using technology at all. As mentioned in the video, teachers must never stop learning. I think that ALL teachers should become "21st Century Teachers" because this type of teaching is so beneficial to our students' learning and that is what is most important. Many teachers need to get past the unfamiliarity and uncomfortablness and learn to embrace 21st century teaching.

Kasey A said...

I thought this video was excellent. I was so into it and look forward to reading what he next card was going to say. I think it sums up everything we talked about this semester. It is so important you allow children to use technology in the classroom. Something that I like about the video was the age of the teachers. I was expecting to see a lot more younger teachers who are more familiar with technology. I was glad to see that the older generation is taking to this newer style of teaching.

Kate C said...

What a video! 21st century teachers are definitely different from the kinds of teachers I experienced. Just like we have discussed, technology needs to be integrated into everything you do at school. I read an article about how we are the "NetGen" kids (Internet Generation) and I think about how advanced we are-how technologically advanced will our kids be? Technology is only going to continue to improve our classrooms. As 21st century teachers, we need to keep updating ourselves, or as Jenna said, bettering ourselves and our students. It was very interesting to see the different learning styles as well.

Kristin S. said...

I really enjoyed watching this video. I agree with Erin on how this video was inspiring to see the diverse styles of the teachers and the different ways they incorporated technology into their lessons. I think that this video really shows the different ways technology can work in a classroom. The teachers used almost everything that we spoke about this semester in class. I think that technology plays a big part in the education of children. It allows shy students to voice their opinions and lets students learn from something besides a textbook. Technology is going to play a big role in the lives of future students, so why not start teaching them about it in the classroom.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed that video. It helped encourage me and let me know that by going back to school to learn the new ways that I am not wasting my time. I want to believe that I am a 21st Century Teacher.... I guess I have to be, we all have to be in order to be effective. Our students are 21st Century learners, so we must be able to relate to them and keep up with them in all aspects, especially technology. We can not be blind to the times and we must embrace technology so that we learn the proper ways to utilize it. I absolutely love the last quote "Those who dare to teach must never cease to learn" what great advice!

Matthew Milella said...

This video was great because it demonstrated how teachers can use advanced resources to engage students in all subject matters. I loved seeing the different ideas that the educators used along with technology. Being a 21st century teacher to me means being able to use resources that students now a days are already comfortable with, to help motivate them. With the advancement in technology, it would be a crime for educators today to avoid using them in classrooms. Students would not be absorbing the same amount of information as other students who are using these forms of technology. I plan on using as much technology in my classroom as possible because I know my students will learn the most from it. I am a 21st century teacher.