Click on the link above to read an article about the emerging trends in technologies that will be used in the classrooms of the near future from the 2012 Horizon Report. How can our schools benefit from this report?
I think this Horizon report is a great idea. It helps both administrators and teachers understand what they should be teaching in the classroom, and where their students should be both now and in the upcoming future. Brendan D
Schools can learn tremendously from the 2012 Horizon Report, in that they can take away key ideas on what, when, where and how to implement the emerging technological trends in their classrooms. The report gives insight on how students can benefit from becoming informed and exposed to equipments that are now available. Also, sheds light on what kind of technology is appropriate for use in the classroom for improved learning experiences. Lastly, it provides useful ways in which to incorporate such apparatus’ in the classroom.
I agree with Brendan that Horizon report is a great idea. It allows schools to look at the research and decide which technology will be the most beneficial to their population.
I like how the article gives tips on how to incorporate the horizon report in the school or district.
I am constantly asking myself and fellow educators how this technology can be used in my classroom.I was reassured to see that The Horizon Report asks about the relevance of technology while keeping the learning environment engaging. I think that this questioning, along with the history of successful predictions from Horizon, make this report a fantastic resource and guide for administrators and teachers. Nancy M
This article could prove to be extremely helpful. I like the fact that it would allow for schools to evaluate what they deem necessary for their needs. As stated by many of my classmates this could prove to be useful to determine the capabilities of our students. As Nancy posts it is convincing other teacher to partake that may be the hard part. Pat F.
I feel that this Horizon report is a really good idea. Its really great because it not only explains on what it is but it gives you tips on how to incorporate it within the classroom which is a great reference for teachers. I really enjoyed the article because it gave insight on how students can fully benefit from the horizon report. i agree with Brendan because i also feel that it helps and benefits the teachers and administrators to understand what should be taught in the classroom and be able to keep track of how their students progress. i think this Horizon report will really help teachers to better understand technology within the classroom and what works and doesn't work.
I think that Horizon report is a good idea. It helps schools prepare their students for what is expected and upcoming with technology. Technology is a big part of our lives and incorporating it in the classroom is a must. I agree with with Christine, I like how this article gives suggestions on how to incorporate the horizon report in the school and districts. Erin C.
I believe that the Horizon report would be a useful tool for schools and districts. Technology is growing everyday and this helps to keep teachers and administrators aware. I like how it gives ideas on how to implement technologies along with lessons or concepts. I agree with Dena that it can help to allow teachers to see what technologies have the best affect on students in their classroom. Elaine
I think it is amazing how fast technology grows and becomes integrated into the classroom. I feel like I wouldn't be able to keep up! This is a useful resource for teachers looking to be "in the know" for new technology integration.
The Horizon Report provides a great insight into the changing world of technology. The timeline approach is useful for administration and teachers to prepare for classroom advances. It is exciting to think about the emerging technologies that will be used in the classroom. As Katie said it could be difficult to keep up, but with the report I think the identified trends and and tips for applying the report are valuable and helpful.
I think the Horizon report is a great idea! It can be beneficial for administrators and for teachers to comprehend what they should be teaching in the classroom and where the students should be as of now and in the near future. I also like how the article gives tips on how to integrate the Horizon report in the school and district. It is so amazing how fast technology is growing and becoming more and more incorporated into the classroom. Great article! -Nicole S.
I think the Horizon report is a great idea. With technology constantly changing everyday, it is a great idea to keep teachers aware of this. I agree with Nicole because I also think it is a great way to get tips on how to integreate the Horizon report throughout the school and district as well.
I think that the Horizon Report can give me as a future teacher a lot of information about new technology, which is changing in a “blink of an eye”. As Peter F. Drucker says in the article “practical education must prepare one for work that does not yet exist”, teachers and administrators should be aware and updated of what technology would be useful for their students and their future. The Horizon Report is definitely a useful tool to maintaining educators informed. As Tara B. says, it is exciting to think about the emerging technologies that will be used in the classroom, but we have to be well prepared to implement them. Granya Vazquez.
In an age of tremendous technological advances, students are constantly connected to technology. Students have also spent a vast majority of their time sitting in classrooms well before technology got to where it is today. It would only make sense to connect the two to allow students to succeed in a way they know best. Technology in the classroom is far behind where it should be. Students, both male and female, spend their time playing video games. How is it that in the year 2012 students aren't yet learning through video games yet go home to them? I believe the emerging technology will truly help students remain interested in the content and alert in school.
Technology is definitely here to stay so it is very important that teachers have resources that allow them to see what the newest technologies are. Technology allows classroom learning to become more active and challenge based. In order for this to work teachers need to experiment with what works best for them and plan for ongoing evaluation. I have to say, I am a little resistant to change and new technology. I could only hope that programs would be available to teachers that would train them on how to implement these new technologies into their classroom. I think Courtney brings up a great point. Students spend most of their time playing video games at home so it is important that they become intrigued by the technology at school to hold their interest.
I believe that emerging technology will really help students maintain their interest in the school content. Today's generation is growing up with SmartBoards in the classroom and I can only imagine what kind of technology will be available in their childrens' classrooms. I also agree with Nicole, I think that the Horizon report is beneficial for both administrators and for teachers.The horizon report beneficial for administrators and for teachers.It is essential that teachers know what they should be teaching in the classroom and where the students should be to see if their on pace. -Michelle S.
From the looks of it, this review is totally inline with the current trends exhibited in the classroom and the overall direction education is moving in. As mentioned in the article, past reports have also proven to be useful in aiding both administrators and teachers in which direction to take as the educational atmosphere changes. I agree with Michelle S. in that this report is and can be extremely beneficial for teachers, but I think even more so for administrators as they provide the means by which the topics addressed in the report can be implemented. A teacher can influence their classes, but administrators can influence the entire school and or district. I hope they have been and continue to accept and implement the guidance these Horizon Reports offer.
It is very interesting to read this report by Horizon and think about how technology will advance and be integrated into our classrooms.The Horizon report should be sent to all school districts to help them start planning on what they need to integrate. Whether teachers like it or not technology is changing the way students think and act during class. If technology is available to students they will become more engaged during class. It will also gives teachers new ideas to add to their lesson plans. As Tara and Katie stated earlier, it will be hard for teachers to keep up because there are so many new ideas that will be implemented but they will be helpful to all teachers and administrators.
I definitely agree with what Tara said in that a timeline approach is beneficial for both administrators and teachers. It is positively, a step in the right direction.
I agree 100% with Tara and Kate said that it would be hard for teachers to keep up because there are so many ideas emerging that you can put into a lesson plan. It would be difficult for a principal to do a weekly check of your plan book if there were so much information! Patti Gribbon
I agree with the article in the sense that mobile and tablet technologies are at the current frontlines of the technological march. It seems like all the new devices and programs coming out are somehow incorporated with mobile and tablet devices. I think the educational field will have a heavy interest in cloud computing technologies. I think eventually school-related data and information will be easily accessible across multiple domains and devices. There will be an emphasis on accessibility and transferability of information. I agree with Courtney in that I believe these emerging technologies will help to keep students motivated and engaged in the material. -Anthony D
The Horizon report seems to be a good idea because it explains what it is and also explains how teachers can incorporate it in their classrooms. It allows the schools and teachers to determine which technologies would be most useful for their school population. Also, using the timeline allows schools to prepare for technological advances in the future.
Right after reading the article, I thought the author was making a sales pitch for hand-held devices. Then again, considering how fast technology is advancing, we need to make every effort to keep up. Furthermore, hand-held devices would make learning more interesting and engage more students - longer term. I agree with Brendan D's assessment.
I completely agree with Amanda S. and the Horizon article. There are countless daily technological advancements and as educators, we need to be aware of these new advancements. Teaching should encompass learning about these advancements and incorporating them into the classroom. Afterall, technology is where we are headed and we must be aware and prepared to accept these wonderful, new, innovative changes.
I have personally never heard of the Horizon Report, so I thought that this was a very informative article. I agree with Amanda S in that I think this report is a great way for teachers to see what forms of technology are going to become more prominent in the future. By using the Horizon Report, educators will be able to be one step ahead when preparing the equipment that will be used in their schools and classrooms. Technology is ever changing, and I think that this Horizon Report is very beneficial for teachers as they grow and change each school year. Leanne K.
The Horizon report is something I had never heard of. I agree with Khem, it is important that all educators keep up with the new technology. It is important for teachers to know what is out there so that we can learn to better understand what children are being exposed to. This way we can teach them by using the technology they are familiar with. No matter how complicated or frustrating technology can be, it is important that we learn how to use it and use the technology to our advantage while teaching. Leslie P.
I think the Horizon report is a great idea. I agree with Courtney, technology in the classroom is very behind and this may be a good way to catch up. This report not only tells teachers and administrators what they need to do, but how it needs to be done.
I find the Horizon report to be very exciting, as it gives a future educator like myself a glimpse into where education is headed. The technology in the classroom is only as effective as the person who is administrating and teaching it to the students. Our duty as teachers is to be up to date, know how to use and teach the ever developing world of classroom technology. The timeline is a brilliant idea because it allows teachers a chance to know what is going to be integrated next. This will allow educators enough time to learn to become familiar as possible with the new technology.
The Horizon Report is a valuable tool and guide in looking at the most current research in the field of technology. I'm amazed at the speed in which these updates are done. We need to stay up to date. I agree with Pat F's assessment in that schools can choose those parts that would be most beneficial for their students.
Schools can benefit from the Horizon report because it educates administrators and teachers on the direction technology is going in the world and therefore, they must make sure they’re schools are going in the same direction. The report opens the eyes of educators and leaders to the new ways of learning and obtaining information. This report can lead schools in the right direction and help them prepare up to date curriculum and also help guide technology classes. This report also shows the importance of having a technology class as a prep. The Horizon report reminds people that teachers need to be knowledgeable in new technology because they need to teach it and introduce it to their students. Teachers also need to be flexible and open to new modes of teaching. One part in the article that I thought was interesting was when the author said, “Fostering a relevant, engaging learning environment in tune with today’s world is the job of visionary leaders.” I think this is important for schools to think about. If students are not learning about technology and computers in school, they are not going to know how to function in the real world. Computers are used for everything now a days and it is important that students are educated on computers.
Before reading this article I had never heard of The Horizon Report, after reading up on it I found it to be a very useful tool for schools and educators to utilize. This type of report can be very beneficial to educators because it pretty much does all the research work on the up coming technology that can be used in education. Also, being that passed reports was so close to being on target these reports can be very reliable. It is very important for educators to keep up on new and up coming technology, like Leanne said educators will be able to be one step ahead if they utilize these reports. It’s understandable today for some teachers to just want to ignore some of the technologies, they are ever changing and evolving and it can be very difficult to keep up with. Personally I feel as though every time I learning how to use something, there is something else to learn how to use right after and most of this tools take time to learn. If educators use The Horizon Report they can be prepared for the future classroom technology, which can make it easier for them to learn it when it becomes time.
New technology is being created everyday. The Horizon Report is an excellent way to keep teachers, administrators, and parents updated in the newest technology. Michael makes a great point, stating that technology is only as good as the person utilizing it. With the vast improvements and changes in technology, teachers must be aware of new educational tools to enhance student learning.
This article gave a brief summary of the 2012 Horizon Report. This goal of this report was to identify major trends of technology that are being, or will become, incorporated into the classroom. It also speaks about challenges that may prevent such technology from being used in the classroom. In my opinion, this article does keep educators up to date with the newest technologies. With the current competitive nature of the educational field, teachers can use any insight towards improving their skills as an educator. I seem to be in agreement with many of the other students in the class, teachers do need to keep up to date with the current tools and technologies that can ultimately provide students with the skills they need to succeed in the future. Nick M.
This article gave a brief summary of the 2012 Horizon Report. This goal of this report was to identify major trends of technology that are being, or will become, incorporated into the classroom. It also speaks about challenges that may prevent such technology from being used in the classroom. In my opinion, this article does keep educators up to date with the newest technologies. With the current competitive nature of the educational field, teachers can use any insight towards improving their skills as an educator. I seem to be in agreement with many of the other students in the class, teachers do need to keep up to date with the current tools and technologies that can ultimately provide students with the skills they need to succeed in the future. Nick M.
I agree that the Horizon Report is something I had never heard about before. However, it is something that as an educator, I can see happening. Our world has already changed so much in the past couple of years that we can see these rapid changes coming. Teaching in a classroom like the Horizon Report details will be an interesting change of events in the education field Theresa F
The Horizon Report offers great insight for educators into the world of technology. It can be a vital resource for administators as well whn they are deciding what they will bring into their schools. It will help prepare us for technology in the classroom. LB
I definitely agree with what Tara and Mrs. Alvarado who said in that a timeline approach is beneficial for both administrators and teachers. I also feel that emerging technologies like mobile apps and ipads are a great tool for instructors to use. Not only does it keep things interesting for students, who love to do ANYTHING on the computer, but its a great way to connect and assess students with special needs. Technology could also make things extremely easy for teachers to prepare lessons opposed to the traditional lesson planning.
The Horizon report will help teachers keep up to date on the newsest technological advances. Students already have internet skills from using social newtorks, etc... outside of the classrom so they will be both able and interested in hybrid learning or game based tasks. The use of these technologies will make classroom learning more active and engaging for the students.
I also agree with Joanna that technologies such as mobile apps and ipads should be utilized by instructors. These types of technologies are both familiar and fun for the students to engage them in the learning process.
Enjoyed this article because it highlighted the 2012 Horizon Report which gives us a glimpse of classrooms in the near future. I liked the timeline they included with mobile apps and tablet computing being used in classrooms today. Our students in my school are using these tools, but I am still not clear on how teachers assess the students with these tools. Karen Palmer
I think that the Horizon Report can be an awakening for teachers because the report shows them what technologies will be utilized in the future. I can see school districts being challenged by this because they would now have to teach their teachers how to use these technologies, like iPads. I agree with Amanda on the fact that students already know how to use such technologies from social networking but the teachers should also be able to use technologies and teach students how to use them in an educational way.
I thought this Horizon Report was very beneficial and useful in providing information on how to implement modern day technologies into the classroom. Although it may seem like technology is sort of pushing traditional teaching methods out the door, it certainly appears to have potential for being engaging to students and possibly even motivating them more as well as sparking their interest.
I definitely agree with Joanna that technology could provide a much easier way of lesson planning as opposed to the traditional methods, and it would save a lot of time and energy. In addition, technology provides a much simpler means of allowing teachers to digitally maintain a gradebook that students can also have access to if they want to keep track of how they are doing in their classes. They can see if they are doing well or if they are slipping up, and this would allow them to keep on top of things and give them the responsibility to do what they can to keep their grades up.
I agree with Kathleen Davis's post stating "I can see school districts being challenged by this because they would now have to teach their teachers how to use these technologies, like iPads." I also believe it will be a challenge for districts to get teachers, especially teachers with little to no technology experience, up to speed with these new ways of teaching. Teachers need to learn to teach using the technological resources students today are accustomed to and most districts don't have the time or resources.
I found this article to be helpful and informative, regarding the relevance of current and uprising technologies in the classroom. This article outlines the horizon report in simple terms. The horizon report maps out the technological trends and what is to come for technology in the future. This is a helpful guideline for educators to use when implementing technology based lessons and planning for using technology in the classroom. Technology is a necessary tool for effective teaching today. Technology should be embraced and used meaningfully by educators to enhance lessons and open up possibilities and resources never before available to them.
Technology will forever be a hot topic when combined with education because of its constant change and improvements. Reading the Horizon Report Can be an insightful tool to help schools, teachers and parents be informed of new advancements in technology and how it affects students improvement in and out of classroom, as well as what resources are available to help aide the school, class, students and teachers performance. Beside all the advances it can serve as a heads up to what future challenges may come with use of such technology. M.Worthy
I agree with Christine K. that technology seems to be pushing traditional teaching out the door but what about the children and school districts that are less fortunate who cannot afford the new technology the article never addresses this issue. M. Worthy
The Horizon report is great tool for some people. It tells everyone about the up and coming technology. It also tells people what they should be doing in the class room with the technology. Tierney C
I believe that educators can learn a lot from the 2012 Horizon Report. It offers great insight on ways for teachers to incorporate technology into the classroom. More importantly, this new technology greatly benefits the students.
The horizon report offers great insight for teachers and school officials on the advancements of technology being used today in education, as well as the challenges that many schools face and key ideas of the future. I believe it is a great tool to help schools determine how they can improve, using the latest technology to stay current and engaging. I agree with M Worthy and Christine K that the latest technology is a challenge for less fortunate schools, and perhaps the report can address this issue more. K CHIN
The Horizon report provides a way for educators to be able to look towards the future and provide a relevant teaching experiences for students. In order for education to be effective, schools have to keep upgrading and changing with the times. The Horizon report provides that look to the future for educators. Technology is a commonplace in today's society and can be a very useful tool in effectively engaging students in the classroom if implemented correctly.
Nancy, I agree with you in that this report does give some guidance to teachers and administrators on how and why we (educators) should be adding technology to our classrooms! Although I feel that it will be and has been a difficult task due to the ongoing stress for the standardized exams; I feel that it has become necessary in order to keep up with the students and to keep them engaged!
The Horizon Report offers a educators and administration many ideas on how and why technology should be added into the students' daily learning. It has be evident that as technology is progressing, elementary education has somewhat paused. However, educators and administrators are learning more about what types of technology could be useful in classrooms and how it could be a resource and not a distraction.
By upgrading students technology in the classroom, the horizon report is really trying to reach out and emerge school technology. Yes it will have kids active, and learn new programs, which may infact be potential as a job in the future, as a child a challenge is can they become easily distrated? I find myself online doing research for a report, and can easily become distracted to doing something else on the computer. However, there may be a way to have the screen on lock to the only the site or program in which the student / class should be on.
The Horizon Report is a great tool to prepare educational institutions for the next 20 years. As the article says, the Horizon Report’s past predictions have been correct in the use of technology in education. If analyzed and used correctly schools will be able to plan more efficiently. They will be able to sculpt their budgets now in a way that will allow for large-scale technological advances that government aid will not cover. They will also be able to plan out any building renovations keeping the facility necessities of some of the technological advancements in mind. The Horizon Report also gives educators a view into the future of teaching so they can prepare their minds for a complete paradigm shift and not be caught off guard, swimming in ignorance when the changes are finally made.
Students are growing up in a digital age. Technology instruction helps shift the process of teachers being in complete control to being a "guider on the side". The Horizon Report explains tips on how to incorporte it withen the classroom. Students will play more of an active role and use the technology as a tool or support for communicating with others.
I agree with what Angela is saying about how students are growing up in a digital age. Teachers need to shift instruction to incorporate these ideas to better engage students.
The Horizon Report emphasizes the need for technology to become a tool in the classroom. Not all communities are able to afford the luxury, but those that do should embrace it. Technology encourages students to collaborate and communicate with others.
I think that schools and educators can greatly benefit from the 2012 Horizon Report. As stated in the article, the Horizon Report shows how technology is greatly advancing in todays fast paced world. It is a way of showing schools and educators what they need to work toward in better educating their students. Years ago, there were type writers, chalkboards (etc.). Today, there are computers, SmartBoards (etc.). The emerging technologies are incredible! And since many teachers grew up in a much different generation, many of them are very new to these ideas. The Horizon Report is great because it shows educators how they can prepare for these technologies that will soon be integrated into the classroom. Both teachers and students will benefit from these up and coming technological advancements. In a sense, it will make teachers jobs easier and students will be motivated to learn.
I think the 2012 Horizon Report is a great resource for teachers today. Technology is becoming such a big part of education and the Horizon Report helps schools understand which technology is best for them.
I agree with Erin C. I think that the horizon report is a great way to prepare students for the technologies they will be encountering in their education.
The Horizon Report is useful for schools (teachers/parents)to stay up to date on emerging technology. Schools need to be able to stay connected and create new ways to educate students. What I got from this article is that the role of educators is changing; they are becoming facilitators. This is important to know because as a future teacher, I will need to be able to meet the needs of students by incorporating new and emerging technology. In addition, I learned that the classroom is becoming more active and is including more collaborative work. Collaboration allows students to work with others and engage in activities that will affect change around the world. Social media such as Facebook and Twitter can be useful for students to connect to other students all over the world and gain valuable information. I also think this article was important because it outlined the 'uncommon core' ans stated that students should discover their own curriculum. Content should no longer be delivered traditionally, but rather through self-discovery.
Public access to the Horizon Report has the potential to be a tremendous tool for parents and educators. Educators can see what researchers say will be the next big thing in helping them educating students. They will also be able to see what students will likely be using in the future and see the opportunity to incorporate these technologies into their classes. Educators can also look at the technology and think about ways that it could or could not be helpful to their students. Parents can also read about why a certain technology that their child "needs to have" could be beneficial to their child's education.
What I like about the information gathered in the Horizon Report is that it highlights our ability to learn across media. We're able to learn in groups, socially, individually, as receivers of information, as finders of information...I think what the report shows us is that we have to capitalize on these varying literacy, both to teach students how to communicate in the modern world and to maximize their creativity and engagement.
This article is a great way for everyone to stay up to date with technology. Educators can predict in a few years that technology wil be even more advanced and that this will open up great opportunities for them. The educators though need to stay up to date with technology because its advancing everyday. Technology teaches us how to communicate with one another and opens our mind to new ideas. Technology is the future and it will only sky rocket from here. Parents also need to be informed about this technology boom and how it can truly benefit their children in an educational classroom. Technology is becoming a big role in todays society
I agree, the educational system can learn so much from this Horizon report. This report offers the opportunity for anyone, student, teacher or parent to see/understand what should be taught in the classroom today and classrooms in the future. I believe it is crucial for the success of our students to be up to date with modern technology, and this report gives us the insight we need to see how students and teachers alike can benefit from the use of these equipments. I too, found it extremely beneficial that the article outlined how to incorporate the horizon report in the school or district. This makes transitioning easier, and is a great way to get more schools involved. I definitely believe this could provide teachers to measure the capabilities of all learners. -Ariel V.
I beleive that the Horizon Report is a gread idea to incorporate into a classroom. The Horizon Report is beneficial, in a sense that it keeps teachers and administrators up to date on recent technology, and adapt the technology in the classroom. The Horizon Report allows student to become engaged during classroom discussion, which leads to more interest, and higher academic acheivement. The Horizon Report is a good tool for both teachers and students, since technology is always changing, schools can adapt to modern technology, and look toward the future. -Tim A
All schools can greatly benefit from the Horizon Report. It helps educators plan ahead for what their school will need in the future. With the high costs of technology and the rate in which it advances schools must budget their money carefully and with the Horizon Reports help they will succeed. I agree with Dena; another reason the Horizon Report benefits schools is it gives tips on incorporating it into each classroom which helps teachers immensely. -Dayna O.
I liked the idea of the Horizon report. It is informative and gives educators and administration up to date information about tochnologies both current and prospective. I think that the report is a great tool to help schools who want to invest in technologies to narrow down their options or in some cases open some new ideas of future technologies. I also think that this report may help some educators to get a better grasp on certain technonlogies they may be unfamiliar with.
I think it is so important to notice the education shift as Katy Daly stated in her post, not so long ago we used chalk boards as our main means of most classroom are wired "smartly" and those that are not are lagging behind.
It is important for educators to have access to The Horizon Report 2012 as a guide to enlighten their knowledge on the latest technological advances. The report which describes the new changes being phased into higher education is just vital. The world moves forward and our environment its being increasingly influenced by technology. Digital sources are the best tools in enhancing the quality in education. Ideally, integrating adequate and equitable levels of digital education into the curriculum; will give students the advantages to reach and surpass their highest potential in their world of discovery and creation. Having the opportunity to read this report (on the internet) on how new innovations in technology will enhance the quality in education has been motivating. Technology is the best tool that mankind has created. My life: my job, my education, and most of my every day decision-making is influenced by the power of technology.
The Horizon Report is a great annual report that can aid superintendents, principals, and teachers with information that they should all give a look at before beginning their school year. In the report superintendents can discover what are the new trends are emerging that may improve their districts, which will aid in determining the years budget. Principals can determine what challenges are becoming factors in their schools with the current and developing technology in their school, such as including iPads in the classroom or just providing them for teachers. Teachers benefit the most from this report with the ability to see what is coming and how it is effective in the classroom. Teachers pull the most information from this yearly report and see what and how to use different technologies and the benefits for the students. A teacher that reads this report and reads an article on effective game based learning and implements it into their curriculum, may not only extend their most proficient student ability and intrigue, but also gains the attention of students that are have difficulty understanding the content (underperform). -Jonathan Rich
I believe the innovation and utilization of technology the Horizon Report provides is beneficial to students. In today's world there are so many different types of technology to be used. Technology is a hands on way for our students to be a part of the lesson. However, it also seems to be implementing a very different way to approach learning in a classroom. Now there are tablets, mobile apps, SMARTboards, etc. that are being incorporated into our classrooms. This may be beneficial, but it also means that traditional models, )which is the way many teachers feel comfortable teaching) will begin to decrease. However, overall I think using technology n the classroom is a great opportunity for our students. But, I also think the Horizon Report would have to be slowly transitioned into, because it is a different way of learning and teaching. Liz A.
The Horizon Report is an excellent tool for keeping teachers and administrators informed of the rapidly changing world of technology. It is so easy for educators to get caught up in the comfort of their own daily teaching routine that we can easily miss opportunities to improve our effectiveness. We are constantly looking for new and creative ways for reaching our students. The possibilities that technology opens up for the classroom are endless.-K. Doria
I feel that Horizon report was a good idea. It helped schools prepare their students for what is expected and upcoming with technology. By doing this, students are exposed to what can be intimidating and hard to use technology with guidance of a teacher they trust. This also gives students the chance to try new things and be exposed to new outlets and opportunities. This also gives students and teachers updates on what is new.
I think the Horizon report is brilliant. One of my only problems is this. How can school that cannot afford simple things as air conditioners, or desks be able to fully afford some of the technology that is outlined here. Sadly, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer in most school systems these days
I think this Horizon report is a great idea. It helps both administrators and teachers understand what they should be teaching in the classroom, and where their students should be both now and in the upcoming future. Brendan D
Schools can learn tremendously from the 2012 Horizon Report, in that they can take away key ideas on what, when, where and how to implement the emerging technological trends in their classrooms. The report gives insight on how students can benefit from becoming informed and exposed to equipments that are now available. Also, sheds light on what kind of technology is appropriate for use in the classroom for improved learning experiences. Lastly, it provides useful ways in which to incorporate such apparatus’ in the classroom.
I agree with Brendan that Horizon report is a great idea. It allows schools to look at the research and decide which technology will be the most beneficial to their population.
I like how the article gives tips on how to incorporate the horizon report in the school or district.
I am constantly asking myself and fellow educators how this technology can be used in my classroom.I was reassured to see that The Horizon Report asks about the relevance of technology while keeping the learning environment engaging. I think that this questioning, along with the history of successful predictions from Horizon, make this report a fantastic resource and guide for administrators and teachers.
Nancy M
This article could prove to be extremely helpful. I like the fact that it would allow for schools to evaluate what they deem necessary for their needs. As stated by many of my classmates this could prove to be useful to determine the capabilities of our students. As Nancy posts it is convincing other teacher to partake that may be the hard part.
Pat F.
I feel that this Horizon report is a really good idea. Its really great because it not only explains on what it is but it gives you tips on how to incorporate it within the classroom which is a great reference for teachers. I really enjoyed the article because it gave insight on how students can fully benefit from the horizon report. i agree with Brendan because i also feel that it helps and benefits the teachers and administrators to understand what should be taught in the classroom and be able to keep track of how their students progress. i think this Horizon report will really help teachers to better understand technology within the classroom and what works and doesn't work.
I think that Horizon report is a good idea. It helps schools prepare their students for what is expected and upcoming with technology. Technology is a big part of our lives and incorporating it in the classroom is a must. I agree with with Christine, I like how this article gives suggestions on how to incorporate the horizon report in the school and districts.
Erin C.
I believe that the Horizon report would be a useful tool for schools and districts. Technology is growing everyday and this helps to keep teachers and administrators aware. I like how it gives ideas on how to implement technologies along with lessons or concepts. I agree with Dena that it can help to allow teachers to see what technologies have the best affect on students in their classroom.
I think it is amazing how fast technology grows and becomes integrated into the classroom. I feel like I wouldn't be able to keep up! This is a useful resource for teachers looking to be "in the know" for new technology integration.
The Horizon Report provides a great insight into the changing world of technology. The timeline approach is useful for administration and teachers to prepare for classroom advances. It is exciting to think about the emerging technologies that will be used in the classroom. As Katie said it could be difficult to keep up, but with the report I think the identified trends and and tips for applying the report are valuable and helpful.
I think the Horizon report is a great idea! It can be beneficial for administrators and for teachers to comprehend what they should be teaching in the classroom and where the students should be as of now and in the near future. I also like how the article gives tips on how to integrate the Horizon report in the school and district. It is so amazing how fast technology is growing and becoming more and more incorporated into the classroom. Great article!
-Nicole S.
I think the Horizon report is a great idea. With technology constantly changing everyday, it is a great idea to keep teachers aware of this. I agree with Nicole because I also think it is a great way to get tips on how to integreate the Horizon report throughout the school and district as well.
Nicole D.
I think that the Horizon Report can give me as a future teacher a lot of information about new technology, which is changing in a “blink of an eye”. As Peter F. Drucker says in the article “practical education must prepare one for work that does not yet exist”, teachers and administrators should be aware and updated of what technology would be useful for their students and their future. The Horizon Report is definitely a useful tool to maintaining educators informed. As Tara B. says, it is exciting to think about the emerging technologies that will be used in the classroom, but we have to be well prepared to implement them. Granya Vazquez.
In an age of tremendous technological advances, students are constantly connected to technology. Students have also spent a vast majority of their time sitting in classrooms well before technology got to where it is today. It would only make sense to connect the two to allow students to succeed in a way they know best. Technology in the classroom is far behind where it should be. Students, both male and female, spend their time playing video games. How is it that in the year 2012 students aren't yet learning through video games yet go home to them? I believe the emerging technology will truly help students remain interested in the content and alert in school.
Technology is definitely here to stay so it is very important that teachers have resources that allow them to see what the newest technologies are. Technology allows classroom learning to become more active and challenge based. In order for this to work teachers need to experiment with what works best for them and plan for ongoing evaluation. I have to say, I am a little resistant to change and new technology. I could only hope that programs would be available to teachers that would train them on how to implement these new technologies into their classroom. I think Courtney brings up a great point. Students spend most of their time playing video games at home so it is important that they become intrigued by the technology at school to hold their interest.
Laura K
I believe that emerging technology will really help students maintain their interest in the school content. Today's generation is growing up with SmartBoards in the classroom and I can only imagine what kind of technology will be available in their childrens' classrooms. I also agree with Nicole, I think that the Horizon report is beneficial for both administrators and for teachers.The horizon report beneficial for administrators and for teachers.It is essential that teachers know what they should be teaching in the classroom and where the students should be to see if their on pace.
-Michelle S.
From the looks of it, this review is totally inline with the current trends exhibited in the classroom and the overall direction education is moving in. As mentioned in the article, past reports have also proven to be useful in aiding both administrators and teachers in which direction to take as the educational atmosphere changes. I agree with Michelle S. in that this report is and can be extremely beneficial for teachers, but I think even more so for administrators as they provide the means by which the topics addressed in the report can be implemented. A teacher can influence their classes, but administrators can influence the entire school and or district. I hope they have been and continue to accept and implement the guidance these Horizon Reports offer.
Amir A.
It is very interesting to read this report by Horizon and think about how technology will advance and be integrated into our classrooms.The Horizon report should be sent to all school districts to help them start planning on what they need to integrate. Whether teachers like it or not technology is changing the way students think and act during class. If technology is available to students they will become more engaged during class. It will also gives teachers new ideas to add to their lesson plans. As Tara and Katie stated earlier, it will be hard for teachers to keep up because there are so many new ideas that will be implemented but they will be helpful to all teachers and administrators.
I definitely agree with what Tara said in that a timeline approach is beneficial for both administrators and teachers. It is positively, a step in the right direction.
I agree 100% with Tara and Kate said that it would be hard for teachers to keep up because there are so many ideas emerging that you can put into a lesson plan. It would be difficult for a principal to do a weekly check of your plan book if there were so much information!
Patti Gribbon
I agree with the article in the sense that mobile and tablet technologies are at the current frontlines of the technological march. It seems like all the new devices and programs coming out are somehow incorporated with mobile and tablet devices. I think the educational field will have a heavy interest in cloud computing technologies. I think eventually school-related data and information will be easily accessible across multiple domains and devices. There will be an emphasis on accessibility and transferability of information. I agree with Courtney in that I believe these emerging technologies will help to keep students motivated and engaged in the material. -Anthony D
The Horizon report seems to be a good idea because it explains what it is and also explains how teachers can incorporate it in their classrooms. It allows the schools and teachers to determine which technologies would be most useful for their school population. Also, using the timeline allows schools to prepare for technological advances in the future.
Right after reading the article, I thought the author was making a sales pitch for hand-held devices. Then again, considering how fast technology is advancing, we need to make every effort to keep up. Furthermore, hand-held devices would make learning more interesting and engage more students - longer term. I agree with Brendan D's assessment.
I completely agree with Amanda S. and the Horizon article. There are countless daily technological advancements and as educators, we need to be aware of these new advancements. Teaching should encompass learning about these advancements and incorporating them into the classroom. Afterall, technology is where we are headed and we must be aware and prepared to accept these wonderful, new, innovative changes.
Khem Ramjeawan
I have personally never heard of the Horizon Report, so I thought that this was a very informative article. I agree with Amanda S in that I think this report is a great way for teachers to see what forms of technology are going to become more prominent in the future. By using the Horizon Report, educators will be able to be one step ahead when preparing the equipment that will be used in their schools and classrooms. Technology is ever changing, and I think that this Horizon Report is very beneficial for teachers as they grow and change each school year.
Leanne K.
The Horizon report is something I had never heard of. I agree with Khem, it is important that all educators keep up with the new technology. It is important for teachers to know what is out there so that we can learn to better understand what children are being exposed to. This way we can teach them by using the technology they are familiar with. No matter how complicated or frustrating technology can be, it is important that we learn how to use it and use the technology to our advantage while teaching.
Leslie P.
I think the Horizon report is a great idea. I agree with Courtney, technology in the classroom is very behind and this may be a good way to catch up. This report not only tells teachers and administrators what they need to do, but how it needs to be done.
I find the Horizon report to be very exciting, as it gives a future educator like myself a glimpse into where education is headed. The technology in the classroom is only as effective as the person who is administrating and teaching it to the students. Our duty as teachers is to be up to date, know how to use and teach the ever developing world of classroom technology.
The timeline is a brilliant idea because it allows teachers a chance to know what is going to be integrated next. This will allow educators enough time to learn to become familiar as possible with the new technology.
The Horizon Report is a valuable tool and guide in looking at the most current research in the field of technology. I'm amazed at the speed in which these updates are done. We need to stay up to date. I agree with Pat F's assessment in that schools can choose those parts that would be most beneficial for their students.
Schools can benefit from the Horizon report because it educates administrators and teachers on the direction technology is going in the world and therefore, they must make sure they’re schools are going in the same direction. The report opens the eyes of educators and leaders to the new ways of learning and obtaining information. This report can lead schools in the right direction and help them prepare up to date curriculum and also help guide technology classes. This report also shows the importance of having a technology class as a prep. The Horizon report reminds people that teachers need to be knowledgeable in new technology because they need to teach it and introduce it to their students. Teachers also need to be flexible and open to new modes of teaching. One part in the article that I thought was interesting was when the author said, “Fostering a relevant, engaging learning environment in tune with today’s world is the job of visionary leaders.” I think this is important for schools to think about. If students are not learning about technology and computers in school, they are not going to know how to function in the real world. Computers are used for everything now a days and it is important that students are educated on computers.
I agree with Michael, I think the timeline is a great tool to give teachers and administrators so they can see where education is headed.
Before reading this article I had never heard of The Horizon Report, after reading up on it I found it to be a very useful tool for schools and educators to utilize. This type of report can be very beneficial to educators because it pretty much does all the research work on the up coming technology that can be used in education. Also, being that passed reports was so close to being on target these reports can be very reliable. It is very important for educators to keep up on new and up coming technology, like Leanne said educators will be able to be one step ahead if they utilize these reports. It’s understandable today for some teachers to just want to ignore some of the technologies, they are ever changing and evolving and it can be very difficult to keep up with. Personally I feel as though every time I learning how to use something, there is something else to learn how to use right after and most of this tools take time to learn. If educators use The Horizon Report they can be prepared for the future classroom technology, which can make it easier for them to learn it when it becomes time.
Alex M
New technology is being created everyday. The Horizon Report is an excellent way to keep teachers, administrators, and parents updated in the newest technology. Michael makes a great point, stating that technology is only as good as the person utilizing it. With the vast improvements and changes in technology, teachers must be aware of new educational tools to enhance student learning.
This article gave a brief summary of the 2012 Horizon Report. This goal of this report was to identify major trends of technology that are being, or will become, incorporated into the classroom. It also speaks about challenges that may prevent such technology from being used in the classroom. In my opinion, this article does keep educators up to date with the newest technologies. With the current competitive nature of the educational field, teachers can use any insight towards improving their skills as an educator.
I seem to be in agreement with many of the other students in the class, teachers do need to keep up to date with the current tools and technologies that can ultimately provide students with the skills they need to succeed in the future.
Nick M.
This article gave a brief summary of the 2012 Horizon Report. This goal of this report was to identify major trends of technology that are being, or will become, incorporated into the classroom. It also speaks about challenges that may prevent such technology from being used in the classroom. In my opinion, this article does keep educators up to date with the newest technologies. With the current competitive nature of the educational field, teachers can use any insight towards improving their skills as an educator.
I seem to be in agreement with many of the other students in the class, teachers do need to keep up to date with the current tools and technologies that can ultimately provide students with the skills they need to succeed in the future.
Nick M.
I agree that the Horizon Report is something I had never heard about before. However, it is something that as an educator, I can see happening. Our world has already changed so much in the past couple of years that we can see these rapid changes coming. Teaching in a classroom like the Horizon Report details will be an interesting change of events in the education field
Theresa F
The Horizon Report offers great insight for educators into the world of technology. It can be a vital resource for administators as well whn they are deciding what they will bring into their schools. It will help prepare us for technology in the classroom. LB
I definitely agree with what Tara and Mrs. Alvarado who said in that a timeline approach is beneficial for both administrators and teachers. I also feel that emerging technologies like mobile apps and ipads are a great tool for instructors to use. Not only does it keep things interesting for students, who love to do ANYTHING on the computer, but its a great way to connect and assess students with special needs. Technology could also make things extremely easy for teachers to prepare lessons opposed to the traditional lesson planning.
The Horizon report will help teachers keep up to date on the newsest technological advances. Students already have internet skills from using social newtorks, etc... outside of the classrom so they will be both able and interested in hybrid learning or game based tasks. The use of these technologies will make classroom learning more active and engaging for the students.
I also agree with Joanna that technologies such as mobile apps and ipads should be utilized by instructors. These types of technologies are both familiar and fun for the students to engage them in the learning process.
Enjoyed this article because it highlighted the 2012 Horizon Report which gives us a glimpse of classrooms in the near future. I liked the timeline they included with mobile apps and tablet computing being used in classrooms today. Our students in my school are using these tools, but I am still not clear on how teachers assess the students with these tools. Karen Palmer
I think that the Horizon Report can be an awakening for teachers because the report shows them what technologies will be utilized in the future. I can see school districts being challenged by this because they would now have to teach their teachers how to use these technologies, like iPads. I agree with Amanda on the fact that students already know how to use such technologies from social networking but the teachers should also be able to use technologies and teach students how to use them in an educational way.
I thought this Horizon Report was very beneficial and useful in providing information on how to implement modern day technologies into the classroom. Although it may seem like technology is sort of pushing traditional teaching methods out the door, it certainly appears to have potential for being engaging to students and possibly even motivating them more as well as sparking their interest.
I definitely agree with Joanna that technology could provide a much easier way of lesson planning as opposed to the traditional methods, and it would save a lot of time and energy. In addition, technology provides a much simpler means of allowing teachers to digitally maintain a gradebook that students can also have access to if they want to keep track of how they are doing in their classes. They can see if they are doing well or if they are slipping up, and this would allow them to keep on top of things and give them the responsibility to do what they can to keep their grades up.
I agree with Kathleen Davis's post stating "I can see school districts being challenged by this because they would now have to teach their teachers how to use these technologies, like iPads." I also believe it will be a challenge for districts to get teachers, especially teachers with little to no technology experience, up to speed with these new ways of teaching. Teachers need to learn to teach using the technological resources students today are accustomed to and most districts don't have the time or resources.
I found this article to be helpful and informative, regarding the relevance of current and uprising technologies in the classroom. This article outlines the horizon report in simple terms. The horizon report maps out the technological trends and what is to come for technology in the future. This is a helpful guideline for educators to use when implementing technology based lessons and planning for using technology in the classroom. Technology is a necessary tool for effective teaching today. Technology should be embraced and used meaningfully by educators to enhance lessons and open up possibilities and resources never before available to them.
Technology will forever be a hot topic when combined with education because of its constant change and improvements. Reading the Horizon Report Can be an insightful tool to help schools, teachers and parents be informed of new advancements in technology and how it affects students improvement in and out of classroom, as well as what resources are available to help aide the school, class, students and teachers performance. Beside all the advances it can serve as a heads up to what future challenges may come with use of such technology. M.Worthy
I agree with Christine K. that technology seems to be pushing traditional teaching out the door but what about the children and school districts that are less fortunate who cannot afford the new technology the article never addresses this issue. M. Worthy
The Horizon report is great tool for some people. It tells everyone about the up and coming technology. It also tells people what they should be doing in the class room with the technology. Tierney C
I believe that educators can learn a lot from the 2012 Horizon Report. It offers great insight on ways for teachers to incorporate technology into the classroom. More importantly, this new technology greatly benefits the students.
The horizon report offers great insight for teachers and school officials on the advancements of technology being used today in education, as well as the challenges that many schools face and key ideas of the future. I believe it is a great tool to help schools determine how they can improve, using the latest technology to stay current and engaging. I agree with M Worthy and Christine K that the latest technology is a challenge for less fortunate schools, and perhaps the report can address this issue more. K CHIN
The Horizon report provides a way for educators to be able to look towards the future and provide a relevant teaching experiences for students. In order for education to be effective, schools have to keep upgrading and changing with the times. The Horizon report provides that look to the future for educators. Technology is a commonplace in today's society and can be a very useful tool in effectively engaging students in the classroom if implemented correctly.
Nancy, I agree with you in that this report does give some guidance to teachers and administrators on how and why we (educators) should be adding technology to our classrooms! Although I feel that it will be and has been a difficult task due to the ongoing stress for the standardized exams; I feel that it has become necessary in order to keep up with the students and to keep them engaged!
The Horizon Report offers a educators and administration many ideas on how and why technology should be added into the students' daily learning. It has be evident that as technology is progressing, elementary education has somewhat paused. However, educators and administrators are learning more about what types of technology could be useful in classrooms and how it could be a resource and not a distraction.
By upgrading students technology in the classroom, the horizon report is really trying to reach out and emerge school technology. Yes it will have kids active, and learn new programs, which may infact be potential as a job in the future, as a child a challenge is can they become easily distrated? I find myself online doing research for a report, and can easily become distracted to doing something else on the computer. However, there may be a way to have the screen on lock to the only the site or program in which the student / class should be on.
The Horizon Report is a great tool to prepare educational institutions for the next 20 years. As the article says, the Horizon Report’s past predictions have been correct in the use of technology in education. If analyzed and used correctly schools will be able to plan more efficiently. They will be able to sculpt their budgets now in a way that will allow for large-scale technological advances that government aid will not cover. They will also be able to plan out any building renovations keeping the facility necessities of some of the technological advancements in mind. The Horizon Report also gives educators a view into the future of teaching so they can prepare their minds for a complete paradigm shift and not be caught off guard, swimming in ignorance when the changes are finally made.
Lesley A. Rhoden
Students are growing up in a digital age. Technology instruction helps shift the process of teachers being in complete control to being a "guider on the side". The Horizon Report explains tips on how to incorporte it withen the classroom. Students will play more of an active role and use the technology as a tool or support for communicating with others.
I agree with what Angela is saying about how students are growing up in a digital age. Teachers need to shift instruction to incorporate these ideas to better engage students.
The Horizon Report emphasizes the need for technology to become a tool in the classroom. Not all communities are able to afford the luxury, but those that do should embrace it. Technology encourages students to collaborate and communicate with others.
I think that schools and educators can greatly benefit from the 2012 Horizon Report. As stated in the article, the Horizon Report shows how technology is greatly advancing in todays fast paced world. It is a way of showing schools and educators what they need to work toward in better educating their students. Years ago, there were type writers, chalkboards (etc.). Today, there are computers, SmartBoards (etc.). The emerging technologies are incredible! And since many teachers grew up in a much different generation, many of them are very new to these ideas. The Horizon Report is great because it shows educators how they can prepare for these technologies that will soon be integrated into the classroom. Both teachers and students will benefit from these up and coming technological advancements. In a sense, it will make teachers jobs easier and students will be motivated to learn.
I think the 2012 Horizon Report is a great resource for teachers today. Technology is becoming such a big part of education and the Horizon Report helps schools understand which technology is best for them.
Brianne Doherty
I agree with Erin C. I think that the horizon report is a great way to prepare students for the technologies they will be encountering in their education.
Brianne Doherty
The Horizon Report is useful for schools (teachers/parents)to stay up to date on emerging technology. Schools need to be able to stay connected and create new ways to educate students. What I got from this article is that the role of educators is changing; they are becoming facilitators. This is important to know because as a future teacher, I will need to be able to meet the needs of students by incorporating new and emerging technology.
In addition, I learned that the classroom is becoming more active and is including more collaborative work. Collaboration allows students to work with others and engage in activities that will affect change around the world. Social media such as Facebook and Twitter can be useful for students to connect to other students all over the world and gain valuable information.
I also think this article was important because it outlined the 'uncommon core' ans stated that students should discover their own curriculum. Content should no longer be delivered traditionally, but rather through self-discovery.
Public access to the Horizon Report has the potential to be a tremendous tool for parents and educators. Educators can see what researchers say will be the next big thing in helping them educating students. They will also be able to see what students will likely be using in the future and see the opportunity to incorporate these technologies into their classes. Educators can also look at the technology and think about ways that it could or could not be helpful to their students. Parents can also read about why a certain technology that their child "needs to have" could be beneficial to their child's education.
What I like about the information gathered in the Horizon Report is that it highlights our ability to learn across media. We're able to learn in groups, socially, individually, as receivers of information, as finders of information...I think what the report shows us is that we have to capitalize on these varying literacy, both to teach students how to communicate in the modern world and to maximize their creativity and engagement.
This article is a great way for everyone to stay up to date with technology. Educators can predict in a few years that technology wil be even more advanced and that this will open up great opportunities for them. The educators though need to stay up to date with technology because its advancing everyday. Technology teaches us how to communicate with one another and opens our mind to new ideas. Technology is the future and it will only sky rocket from here. Parents also need to be informed about this technology boom and how it can truly benefit their children in an educational classroom. Technology is becoming a big role in todays society
I agree, the educational system can learn so much from this Horizon report. This report offers the opportunity for anyone, student, teacher or parent to see/understand what should be taught in the classroom today and classrooms in the future.
I believe it is crucial for the success of our students to be up to date with modern technology, and this report gives us the insight we need to see how students and teachers alike can benefit from the use of these equipments.
I too, found it extremely beneficial that the article outlined how to incorporate the horizon report in the school or district. This makes transitioning easier, and is a great way to get more schools involved.
I definitely believe this could provide teachers to measure the capabilities of all learners.
-Ariel V.
I beleive that the Horizon Report is a gread idea to incorporate into a classroom. The Horizon Report is beneficial, in a sense that it keeps teachers and administrators up to date on recent technology, and adapt the technology in the classroom.
The Horizon Report allows student to become engaged during classroom discussion, which leads to more interest, and higher academic acheivement. The Horizon Report is a good tool for both teachers and students, since technology is always changing, schools can adapt to modern technology, and look toward the future.
-Tim A
All schools can greatly benefit from the Horizon Report. It helps educators plan ahead for what their school will need in the future. With the high costs of technology and the rate in which it advances schools must budget their money carefully and with the Horizon Reports help they will succeed. I agree with Dena; another reason the Horizon Report benefits schools is it gives tips on incorporating it into each classroom which helps teachers immensely. -Dayna O.
I liked the idea of the Horizon report. It is informative and gives educators and administration up to date information about tochnologies both current and prospective. I think that the report is a great tool to help schools who want to invest in technologies to narrow down their options or in some cases open some new ideas of future technologies. I also think that this report may help some educators to get a better grasp on certain technonlogies they may be unfamiliar with.
I think it is so important to notice the education shift as Katy Daly stated in her post, not so long ago we used chalk boards as our main means of most classroom are wired "smartly" and those that are not are lagging behind.
It is important for educators to have access to The Horizon Report 2012 as a guide to enlighten their knowledge on the latest technological advances. The report which describes the new changes being phased into higher education is just vital. The world moves forward and our environment its being increasingly influenced by technology. Digital sources are the best tools in enhancing the quality in education. Ideally, integrating adequate and equitable levels of digital education into the curriculum; will give students the advantages to reach and surpass their highest potential in their world of discovery and creation.
Having the opportunity to read this report (on the internet) on how new innovations in technology will enhance the quality in education has been motivating. Technology is the best tool that mankind has created. My life: my job, my education, and most of my every day decision-making is influenced by the power of technology.
Nora R.
The Horizon Report is a great annual report that can aid superintendents, principals, and teachers with information that they should all give a look at before beginning their school year. In the report superintendents can discover what are the new trends are emerging that may improve their districts, which will aid in determining the years budget. Principals can determine what challenges are becoming factors in their schools with the current and developing technology in their school, such as including iPads in the classroom or just providing them for teachers. Teachers benefit the most from this report with the ability to see what is coming and how it is effective in the classroom. Teachers pull the most information from this yearly report and see what and how to use different technologies and the benefits for the students. A teacher that reads this report and reads an article on effective game based learning and implements it into their curriculum, may not only extend their most proficient student ability and intrigue, but also gains the attention of students that are have difficulty understanding the content (underperform).
-Jonathan Rich
I believe the innovation and utilization of technology the Horizon Report provides is beneficial to students. In today's world there are so many different types of technology to be used. Technology is a hands on way for our students to be a part of the lesson. However, it also seems to be implementing a very different way to approach learning in a classroom. Now there are tablets, mobile apps, SMARTboards, etc. that are being incorporated into our classrooms. This may be beneficial, but it also means that traditional models, )which is the way many teachers feel comfortable teaching) will begin to decrease. However, overall I think using technology n the classroom is a great opportunity for our students. But, I also think the Horizon Report would have to be slowly transitioned into, because it is a different way of learning and teaching.
Liz A.
The Horizon Report is an excellent tool for keeping teachers and administrators informed of the rapidly changing world of technology. It is so easy for educators to get caught up in the comfort of their own daily teaching routine that we can easily miss opportunities to improve our effectiveness. We are constantly looking for new and creative ways for reaching our students. The possibilities that technology opens up for the classroom are endless.-K. Doria
I feel that Horizon report was a good idea. It helped schools prepare their students for what is expected and upcoming with technology. By doing this, students are exposed to what can be intimidating and hard to use technology with guidance of a teacher they trust. This also gives students the chance to try new things and be exposed to new outlets and opportunities. This also gives students and teachers updates on what is new.
Kaitlyn B.
I think the Horizon report is brilliant. One of my only problems is this. How can school that cannot afford simple things as air conditioners, or desks be able to fully afford some of the technology that is outlined here. Sadly, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer in most school systems these days
Nick C
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