Friday, June 13, 2014

TeacherCast: a place for Teachers to Help Other Teachers is a growing dynamic Educational Media Network offering great opportunities for educators, app developers and businesses to work together to improve the quality of education for our students.
TeacherCast offers educators several great avenues for professional development:
Their mission is to create an environment for educators to have access to resources for Professional Development. You can find the site at:  Explore some of the content listed above on the TeacherCast website. Which features would you use and how would you use them for your professional development?


Michelle said...

I think is a great place for teachers to go to look for more material and to keep updated on what is going on. The website has many different ways for teachers to use technology within the classroom. There are links provided for teachers to watch for them to be familiar with the different kinds of technology and it teaches them how to use it within the classroom and their teaching. The mission for this website is for teachers to be able to easily access to different different kinds of resources for their professional development. I would use this website within my classroom to help me make my teaching more engaging. This website allows teachers to teach children to the 21st century. This is definitely a great place for teachers to explore and build on their lessons to help children become more in touch with technology.

Amanda said...

Teacher Cast seems like a very useful website for teachers. When a person first clicks on the link, it states “a place for teachers to help other teachers.” After reviewing the site, it seems that Teacher Cast is place where teachers who are up to date with technology could post information about the newest technology, for teachers who might not be familiar with it. It states, “Used by 60,000 educators worldwide” which is a large amount of teachers. If these 60,000 educators find it effective, it is definitely something that all teachers should learn to use. By using more advanced technology in the classroom, students will be more engaged and ultimately learn more. Teacher Cast is worth using, because if it helps educators, it will help the students even more.

Lisa said...

TeacherCast can be a successful resource for educators that are computer savvy. This website does give teachers many options on how to use technology within their classroom. I do believe by using technology in a classroom it does engage the students and can make learning more fun. This website is just another good tool for teachers to implement technology in a classroom.

Kev D said...

TeacherCast seems to be a great site for all and any teacher to use. This is a great place to educate yourself of new technology and incorporate it into your classroom. Even teachers who are very experienced with technology can broaden their teaching methods which can make students become more engaged and become more successful. Teachers can even show students how to use technology so they can use it on projects or homework.

Matthew R. said...

If utilized to its full potential, Teacher Cast can be a "one stop shop" for educators. The website is easy to navigate and the app can be useful, when you're not near a computer. Any tool or activity that can inspire and motivate students should be used in the classroom, and Teacher Cast provides many ways to do so. The variety of podcasts that Teacher Cast provides, gives listeners unique perspectives to take into consideration, in regards to technology in the classroom.

Rachel's ESL blog said... is a resourceful site for teachers to learn from and help other teachers. Technology is taking over the classrooms and this website can inform teachers on how to use it with their students purposefully. There are many way to incorporate technology into the classroom but teachers who do not how to use it try to stay away from it. However, after watching the videos, listening to the podcasts, and reading the blogs on teacher cast they might feel more comfortable bringing technology into their classrooms.

Lstein said...

After taking a look at the teacher cast links I found them to be very useful tools just like everyone has been saying on their own posts. It not only has so many resources for teachers to use in their classrooms, it also gives instructions on how to use the different technologies that are available for educators.

As a younger teacher I find that the technology is not that difficult to pick up, but I do observe colleagues who are not used to technology within my district and they panic about using new technology, especially since we have implemented IPads for every student and teacher in our district.

The phobias that come with technology can be erased or at least eased with this website. It is very user friendly and detrimental for those who need the extra support in the technological era.

Diane said...

Diane said... is a great resource for teachers to incorporate into their instruction. The technology presented on this site is a useful resource to hook and engage students in activities that will help facilitate learning. The instructional videos explain how various websites can be integrated into the classroom curriculum and are aligned to the common core standards.

Kate S. said... seems to be a very useful sight for teachers of various age groups and levels of experience. As teachers, we are always looking for new an innovative ways to present material. Teachercast is a great way to connect with fellow educators and look at different approaches to technology in the classroom. This seems to be especially helpful for those new to technology, looking for a refresher, and/or if a new form of technology is placed in your classroom. I will definitely be saving this resource for myself.

Unknown said... seems like a really wonderful concept. It helps teachers stay informed not only with what's going on in the teaching world technology wise but also gives them a way to connect with other teachers about technology as well. As someone who is isn't the best or most informed when it comes to technology, I thought that this was the perfect, user friendly kind of website for someone like me.

Unknown said...

I read the article “The Great Flipped, Project Based, Paperless Classroom Experiment Begins!” This post talks about a teachers struggle to re-vamp a curriculum that already had technology with new, modern and sophisticated technology, as it relates to the students. I agree that in education it is imperative to remain current on new technology resources and gadgets, however; I think it is also important to teach children basic skills in MS word, MS Excel and MS Power point. The services that these office tools provide us are useful and long lasting. Indeed, children need to be aware of iClouds and apps, social media, etc... but, they also need to know how to create lists, tables, charts, upload clipart or graphics and construct an engaging power point presentation. As educators, there are many challenges that we face in incorporating technology into the classroom both as an instructional tool and learning tool. One such challenge is that we need proper funds to have a variety of technology in the classrooms of the schools we teach in. Also, educators need to be properly trained on managing technology and effectively incorporating technology in our instruction and using it for authentic differentiation. Not to mention, providing the students and parents with accessibility to technology, training and implanting the necessary safeguards.

Brittany F. said...
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Brittany F. said... is a great site for teachers. I would definitely use the blogs and the media. There was a blog post about how to use social media in the classroom and how teachers can love it or hate, but it is not going any where. The posts alone can be helpful for ideas for the classroom. I believe the more you know how to relate to your students the more you will be able to get them to love to learn. Students all over the world are usually technology and social media. These are now the tools they understand. This site is great for ideas in using technology, and helping teachers feel comfortable. The youtube tutorials are definitely helpful for teachers. I know I'm a visual learner and watching a video online once can help me very much. Like I said before my favorite part of this website is the blog post. We as future teachers or teachers already are working as a team to create amazing students and even more important great people. This is why I believe the blog posts are a great way to communicate.

Meghan said...

I think that is a great resource for teachers to use in their classrooms. I really liked how the videos walk you through what to do rather than giving basic instructions. I would definitely use this website in the future, I love how they have resources that helps the teacher directly connect with the parents of their students so that the parents are involved in what is going on in the classroom.

Dana G. said... seems to be a great website for teachers to use to gather information about various topics. It is a simple way for educators to connect and share information with one another. Teachers will be able to come up with new and exciting ways to present material in a classroom with this website. It is important to integrate technology in the classroom and this website has great examples of how to do so. I would love to be able to use the videos and podcasts in the classroom. I will be saving Teachercast as a future resource for myself.

Stephen DiGiorgio said...

In my opinion one of the greatest assets that Teachcast has made available to teachers is the blogs section. The blog section might not seem to be the most useful at face value when compared to the many other great resources that Teachcast has, but in my opinion it is invaluable to be able to discuss our profession with other teachers from all over the world. Sometimes I think teachers can fall victim to becoming a product of their environment. This isn't always necessarily a bad thing, but unfortunately people tend to stick with teaching methods and strategies that are comfortable and what they see being used around them. Like I said, this is not always a bad thing, but it also never hurts to have a variety of resources at your disposal. With Teachcast's blog section, teachers can have open discussions about different teaching strategies found within the classroom. With all of t his great technology becoming more prevalent in the classroom, Teachcast can be utilized as a great resource to stay on top of whats new, and more importantly, what works for them within their classroom.

Xiomara said... is an excellent site for teachers. On this site they are able to gather information about different subjects. Also on this site they are able to stay up to date and current with the technologies being used. They are also able to connect with other teachers where they can share their ideas. This site is very useful because when I become a teacher I will know where to look for some advice and help.

Anonymous said...

I feel like as a teacher I need to know what resources I want to use in different lesson plans that I make up. I want all my students to feel comfortable with the materials presented to them. is a great site for teachers to use in a classroom setting. Things are being updated months and months in so I think that always going over technology is something teachers have to do. This website is also something simple for teachers to easily access.
Samantha Christian

Joe G. said...

Teacher cast seems to offer many options as to how to update yourself with the most recent technology. These tools seem like they can motive and enhance student learning. Experienced teachers can also look on this site to update themselves with the most modern technology. Although some experienced teachers are against technology, (I.E the Smart Board when it first came out) I have seen them adapt and use technology to it's full potential. It would be great to use a blog in my class and a site for all my students to go on to read health articles and give their opinions on them or even start a thread debating each other on different issues. All in all I think Teacher Cast is a great website for teachers to use.

Kathleen T. said...

Kathleen said...

Teacher Cast appears to be a very useful and helpful website for teachers. It not only has interesting ideas and suggestions for helping to implement technology into a classroom, but it also walks you through the steps on how to actually use and perform the technology. There are many videos that are great step by step instructions on how to use certain websites and programs in your classroom. Teacher Cast caters to both young students and adolescent students, and teachers can find many teaching methods using technology that both engages their students and facilitates learning. I think it is also a helpful place for teachers inexperienced with technology to gain help. Being a younger teacher who is more familiar with technology, I still find Teacher Cast both helpful and engaging.

Anonymous said...

I feel like as a teacher I need to know what resources I want to use in different lesson plans that I make up. I want all my students to feel comfortable with the materials presented to them. is a great site for teachers to use in a classroom setting. Things are being updated months and months in so I think that always going over TECHNOLOGY is something teachers have to do. This website is also something simple for teachers to easily access.
Samantha Christian

Alexandra Falconieri said...

I think is a great way for teachers to become more involved in the constantly growing world that is technology. Not only will this expose teachers to the latest and best tools they can use in their classroom, but it can also help if a teacher is having difficulty with a certain program or application. For example, if I didn't know to use a certain app, I could go on TeacherCast to see if anyone else had the same problem and hopefully find a solution to the given issue.
Most educators at this point did not grow up with technology as prevalent as it is in todays generic classroom. It is necessary to have a website like TeacherCast in order to help bridge this gap between teachers and students.

Jillian said...

I agree with TeacherCast that it is a great "place for teachers to help other teachers." I consider my technological skills to be basic, so for me, a site such as TeacherCast is an excellent resource. I am a firm believer in integrating technology in the classroom as much as possible, considering our students are digital natives. Therefore it is essential to keep up with professional development when it comes to technology. TeacherCast makes it easy for teachers to help and teach one another about the latest technologies in the classroom using its Blog. Teachers can interact with each other and share ideas, which is my favorite part of the site. I will definitely use this website in order to engage myself and keep in touch with the most up-to-date-technology.

Lauren said...

I also agree that TeacherCast is a great website for teachers. While looking through the website, I noticed that they even had reviews on certain apps that could be very helpful in the classroom. One in particular that I noticed was an app for mathematical formulas. As a future mathematics teacher, I realized that this may be a potential app that I can share with my students. I also found this website to be extremely resourceful with regards to learning new technology and sharing ideas about incorporating it into the classroom. I know that in the future, I will definitely be coming back to this website to help incorporate different forms of technology into my classroom.
-Lauren G.

Unknown said...

I think one of the best aspects of TeacherCast is its ability to connect teachers from all over in one particular place. Each post provides step-by-step instructions, along with a video for teachers to learn how to use specific programs, blog sites, and other websites that they can use in the classroom. TeacherCast is also beneficial for teachers to enhance their knowledge about specific online tools and programs. Nowadays, there are constant updates for applications and websites, so keeping up to date is imperative and TeacherCast is a way to learn about the changes. Besides the different blog posts, there’s also a way for teachers to comment on them and seeing other peoples feedback about a program or tool is very helpful. I can read about previous experiences and take it into consideration. I would use this website while developing lesson plans and activities for my classes because it allows students to put their technological knowledge to use while also learning something new. It will help the students to participate and be actively engaged.

EDU 521 said...

I think TeacherCast is a great resource for teachers to use in their careers as teachers. It gives them the insight of all the online programs. I agree that in todays world, technology in the classroom is more efficent than a pen and paper. Students today are very technology savvy and hands on, and with the ability to have the online resources in the classroom, makes learning a better experience for the children. TeacherCast gives teachers all over the chance to chat and share with one another. I wish that when I was a student in school, that we had the technology that we have today.

Megan Parton

EDU 521 said...
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EDU 521 said...

I think TeacherCast is a great resource for teachers to use in their careers as teachers. It gives them the insight of all the online programs. I agree that in todays world, technology in the classroom is more efficent than a pen and paper. Students today are very technology savvy and hands on, and with the ability to have the online resources in the classroom, makes learning a better experience for the children. TeacherCast gives teachers all over the chance to chat and share with one another. I wish that when I was a student in school, that we had the technology that we have today.

Megan Parton

Allison Sloper said...

TeacherCast is a useful sight for teachers to read and look at daily. This site is easy to follow and has good ideas of how to incorporate technology into the classroom. The youtube tutorials are great for both students and teachers to learn about a specific topic. By using this website teachers can become more comfortable with integrating technology into their classrooms. Teachers can use this site to enhance their lesson plans and make them even more engaging for their students.
Allison Sloper

Ginasandros said...

I love! I can not wait to see more videos that will help a future teacher like myself improve my skills and discover new tools to use in the classroom. I am sure it has already helped many teachers grow professionally. One video I really enjoyed was on a program called Class Dojo. From the start of the video until the end, I received some interesting information about all the parent/teacher communication possibilities offered by the program. I feel the program will certainly aide as a useful element in classroom management. It will help monitor the behaviors of the students and keep parents well informed. The teacher and the parents are a teaching team and Class Dojo is a program designed to support the team effort. Unfortunately I learned that the record keeping aspect of the program is a little underdeveloped. Also students can not yet communicate with their teachers on the program. I believe it is still purposeful because it serves as a parent portal. serves as an aide to all professionally developing educators. Technology may not always come easily to others but watching videos like those on will be a powerful resource.
-Gina A.

Unknown said...

Danielle C said...
I really enjoyed the tutorials has to offer, the new ideas and step by step incorporation into classrooms will be very helpful for me. I like how some of the videos interview different teachers from all types of diversity to really help everyone and not just one specific type of teacher. The links and insight to fundraising for schools who are deprived of tools and school supplies raises interest for me who will one day be in the classroom and would want to help other classrooms that may not have the supplies we have. Over all I think will be an extremely helpful resource for me now, as I become further along in my teaching process.

Unknown said...

Teacher cast looks like it has a bunch to offer. At first glance, one of the postings was about using Google for scholarly resources. In the classroom, students Google a lot, so guiding them to scholarly resources for research projects is a good idea. While having teachers in school to bounce ideas off of, this can be a tool to use ideas from other parts of the country and see what other teachers are doing. As Jillian said, some of my technology based ideas can be pretty basic, and this website can help expand those ideas.

Unknown said...

TeacherCast is an extremely useful tool that all teachers could use in many ways which can help benefit them, as well as their students, within the classroom. Using technology within the classroom is becoming the norm within most schools around the world. With this website, teachers can become better acquainted with different ways to use technology in their classrooms that will help instill useful knowledge to everyone around. Teachers can use this website in order to help build upon previous knowledge as well as learn about new things which involve technology. As a teacher, it is extremely important to be sure to engage students with whatever is being taught and this website will help do just that. Both teachers as well as students are learning new things about technology everyday and with this website it will only affect all who are involved in a positive way. Being able to build upon lessons and/or activities within the classroom is also extremely important and this website can also contribute to that as well.

Michael O'Keeffe said...

TeacherCast seems like a very fun and innovative website for all teachers to help add or reinvent their classroom. It's fairly simple to navigate and seems like an excellent tool for new teachers to help us find a style or figure out new and exciting ways to turn an old lesson into a modern one. I really enjoyed the "Learn how to teach your students to reinvent their writing...", it was a very informative videocast on how you can easily help students transform their writing. The video did seem aimed towards teachers with younger students than I though. The site also seems like an excellent Professional Development tool that teachers can access at home and outside of their own schools' PD hours. I also agree with Caitlin Nocera that building upon lessons and activities is extremely important and this website seems to offer so much for every teacher to be able to do just that.

Cathy's Blog said...

Teachercast is a great site for teachers to use. It is very helpful in the way of informing teachers of what's happening in world of technology and helping teachers to use the technology in their classroom. One aspect that makes this site a good choice is that it is user friendly. I loved the videos and the topics that are presented. I loved the way this website helps teachers to incorporate technology in a classroom (especially if someone is not that techno savvy, which I am not). One video that I really enjoyed was Best Practices in Parent Communication.

Kelly Seepersad said...

After reading into Teacher Cast, it seems to be a great provider of different resources for teachers. It allows teachers to share ideas with one another, as well as learn how to use technology in many different ways in the classroom. Because children are so involved with technology this day in age, I feel that it will allow the children to be more interested to learn and encourage them to be more interactive. Teacher Cast is a great way for teachers to find more ideas to share with their students. It seems to cover a large range of topic in the teaching field and will be extremely helpful for teachers to access through different videos, articles, and podcasts. I am definitely looking forward to learning more about the Teacher Cast and using it the very near future!

Unknown said...

Throughout the week, I browsed around the website for TeacherCast and watched several podcasts. I found it to be an incredible resource for teachers to know about. I loved the way they went step-by-step to introduce new technology and enjoyed that they presented different ways to incorporate technology into the classroom. There are not only podcasts but many articles, workshops, newsletters, and tutorials. Teachers can learn new strategies from these podcasts and articles to find a more engaging way to present any topic on any subject matter. This website covers a large variety of topics and will definitely be useful in the future to any teacher (especially those who are not as familiar with technology).

This is a great resource to use for my own professional development. I personally am going to check back in the future to see if there are any new updates that I can try to incorporate in my classroom and in my lessons.

Carly Bock said...

After spending some time on, there is no doubt that this is a fantastic resource for teachers as makes technology has become so important in our daily lives. Even though our generation may have more technological experience than generations before us, there is no doubt that a lot of this is new to us. Even while we master what is available, new developments are being made, and will continue to be made throughout our professional careers. The resources available on Teacher Cast will allow us to stay up to date on what is out there and how we can incorporate new technological advancements into our classrooms.
I also really like how teachers are encouraged to become contributors to Teacher Cast. Everyone has different ideas and to be able to communicate with people from all over is a valuable resource that we can all benefit from. It is nice to know how other people are making things work for them, or to have things explained in a different way, or to suggest different ideas for each other's classrooms and students, since everyone will have varying experiences.
As Jillian said, "our students are digital natives." As much as we think we know technology, the students who will come after us have grown up with technology so immersed in their lives. Technology is what makes sense to them, so our best chance at relating to them and communicating our material to them will be to incorporate the technology that they have become so comfortable and familiar with. I am sure that Teacher Cast will be a resource that I will refer to so that I will be able to successfully incorporate technology into my classroom to benefit my future students, and their learning process.

Kim DeStefano said...

Teachercast is a fantastic resource for new and experienced teachers. Technology is essential in the classroom with all grades and this site is very helpful. It shares some great ideas from teacher to teacher through podcasts, articles, workshops and tutorials. I can speak for older teachers that Teachercast is just what we need to familiarize us with the new and evolving technology world. Also, it is very easy to navigate and use which is great for me! I'm looking forward to visiting Teachercast in the future to bring some new ideas to my students and colleagues.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Teacher Cast is a wonderful resource for Teachers. One aspect of the website that could definitely help with my professional development is the TC University section. The TC University has different workshops and lessons for teachers so that they can use different online apps in their classrooms. I believe that this is a great asset for teachers, especially teachers that are new with technology. They workshop videos are very easy to follow. They give you information about the online apps as well as step by step directions for specific parts of the apps. I would want to use many of these online apps to promote student learning in the classroom. One online app that I was looking at was "Remind", where teachers can text message students and parents privately and safely. Teachers can create classes on the online app and message students and parents important information, and the students and parents can receive the information and communicate through their phone (text message) or email. I would love to use this app in my classroom because it is a new and innovative way to communicate with students. Overall, Teacher Cast is an useful website for teachers, it can inspire teachers to be more engaging in the classroom. To comment what Jillian said, I think my technological skills are basic, but I also think I know a lot about technology, so much that I can use it easily in the classroom. However, looking at this website challenged my knowledge in a way that I did not know many of the different online apps and different technological skills. I realized that technology will always be changing, and Teacher Cast is a website that will give me new resources and information that can improve my knowledge of technology in the classroom.

Unknown said...

TeacherCast is a great resource for teachers. It gives teachers insight on new technology they can use in their classroom. TeacherCast provides great articles, videos, podcasts, tutorials, and more. The website is very user friendly and easy to navigate. I found the tutorials interesting because the step by step directions are very helpful when implementing new technology. The TeacherCast podcast provide teachers information on a variety of topics from other educators. I really like the TeacherCast App Spotlight because it shows you different apps you can use in your classroom and how to use them. This websites allows teachers to collaborate with each other and share what they are using in their classroom. Collaboration is a big part of teaching and lets teachers from all over come together and help each other. I will definitely continue to refer to throughout my career.

Chrissy D. said...

TeacherCast is a great website for teachers and other educators to use for students and their classrooms. TeacherCast provides a variety of websites and ways to incorporate technology. I have basic knowledge of technology and how to use it in the classroom but reading what TeacherCast has to offer makes me excited! I now have more resources to use. I really liked browsing through the speeches and presentations TeacherCast has posted. There were so many different videos about different perspectives of technology and how to use not only in the classroom but outside of the classroom. I will definitely visit the website again in the future to see what new and creative things they post.

Lisa said...

TeacherCast's slogan "A place for teachers to help other teachers" truly describes the websites purpose. On TeacherCast teachers are given valuable resource that can be used in everyday teaching. While I was exploring the website, I viewed many of their features. Some of the features that stood out to me were the reviews on educational apps, and the livebinder galleries. In addition, the site offers professional development for teachers. I think that the site provides a great environment for teachers to share teaching ideas and lessons. Also, it gives tutorials on new developing technology. This is extremly beneficial for teaches who are finished with their education and may need help when trying to incorporate technology in their classroom. Overall, I think that this site is an extremely useful resource for educators.

Kelly Seepersad said...

As Chrissy D. said, is a great source to help us broaden our knowledge and use of technology in the classroom. Most of us, like myself have a basic understanding of simple programs to use, but TeacherCast will allow us to learn even more. There are so many different options for us to choose from in which will help us incorporate technology in different ways into our teaching methods. I also feel it will help us as teachers to keep our teaching methods fun, and our students interested!

Anthony Augugliaro said...

TeacherCast can be a successful resource for educators that are computer savvy. This website does give teachers many options on how to use technology within their classroom. However, I feel that if the teacher is not computer literate prior to engaging the stie, they will become lost. The site offers a lot for teachers to use and to give to students.

Devan Markey said... can be a resourceful tool for educators looking to incorporate more technology into his or her classroom.The generation of students we are currently teaching as well as generations to come are going to be tech savvy, so it's important for us as educators to evolve along with the technology. This will aid students learning in the best way possible while using resourceful technological tools. TeacherCast can offer successful technology use in the classroom setting.
-Devan Markey

Anonymous said...

After reading this article I agree that things need to change. Teachers should be more focused on working on their students deeper thinking skills as opposed to focusing so much on the use of technology. I think that there should be a balance of teaching with and without technology. Technology should be used as a reinforcement to what was already taught and perhaps furthering that knowledge through research. I do think that we are shifting to an educational culture of active learning because I have already completed my observations (in 2 different schools) and my pre-student teaching (at 2 different schools). I have noticed teachers using many technologies such as iPads and laptops for their active learning tools. The author defined active learning in two ways: one using technology and the other as doing experiments and observing things. Teachers have used both ways, with technology and without (science experiments and observing items). I think that it is important for teachers to use both types of active learning. We can achieve this goal by creating workshops for teachers to attend to define both types of active learning and how its important to implement both.
Bianca A.

Unknown said...

The article corresponding to technology really stood out for me due to the fact that it started off by explaining to the reader that he or she was probably was never trained on how to teach technology itself and the importance of it. Personally, I wish that I was taught more with technology growing up, rather than simplistic chalkboards, projectors, lectures, and simplistic power points. Although I believe teachers should learn basic technology to make lessons more engaging for students, I agree with Scott Welch in that it can be overwhelming for both teachers and parents to use so many applications such as Edmodo or Classdojo. One application where teachers, parents and students should be used for the purpose of good communication, and where parents and students know where to go for the latest information. Basically, it is beneficial to get to know the technology being used in certain school districts, and school districts will become familiar with your personal likes and dislikes and try to accommodate them. There is always a solution when it comes down to technology and no, I do not believe that a teacher needs to know every program, but should also feel comfortable with how he/she teaches and share their ideas so others will meet your requirements and have a better understanding on how you teach.
-Cristina S.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful and innovative idea TeacherCast is. I believe one of the main issues with utilizing all types of technology in the classroom, especially assistive technology as I am going to be a Special Education teacher, is that many times teachers don't have the training or knowledge necessary to teach their students how to use specific devices or programs. With TeacherCast there are countless ways for teachers to engage in professional development by learning how to use new apps of software that could benefit them in the classroom. With the online tutorials and even live podcasts teachers have the opportunity to search through which software or programs might be best for them in their own classroom. Technology is obviously continuously changing by the day so it is critical to be up to date on the latest software available. I think it is particularly important that the developers of these programs and apps can connect with teachers and teachers can give their feedback on what works and what doesn't. Technology cannot be created in a vacuum. What sounds like a good idea might not actually work until it is used in the classroom. I look forward to using TeacherCast to benefit my lessons.

Unknown said...

Jaclyn F

TeacherCast is a great idea. I love it, especially since I will be a special education teacher, this site has many innovative ideas that I can use to engage my students. Although, there are a number of teacher who are not that computer savvy, myself being one, I think it would help if there were more training or workshop opportunities available to educators. The greatest asset to teachers in this day in age is technology and I look forward to using TeacherCast and other sites to benefit me and my students.

Unknown said...

I completely agree with the importance of TeacherCast and how it is a great idea for teachers to use. Teacher can definitely use ideas he or she have learned from the site, which can be beneficial in the classroom. No, not all teachers are technologically advanced, however, TeacherCast provides so many methods of teaching where children can be engaged and will want to attend class. It is perfectly fine not to know everything there is about technology, but there are also other ways of teaching to make teaching fun and memorable.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Gabriel Ramos said:

I believe technology is a great addition to education, however, it should be used as a supplemental resource for the teacher rather than a replacement of systems. It is important to maintain deep relationships with students so that we retain the ability to deeply understand a child's needs. I do believe it is important for the modern day teacher to be able to understand how to interact with their digitally native students, as we are quickly becoming a networked world in which technology maintains and inspires both efficiency and innovation. provides a unique platform for teachers seeking ideas and development on integrating technology into the classroom.

I agree with Jaclyn's comment that TeacherCast is a wonderful resource, especially for non-computer savvy teachers. Professional developement is extremely important for teachers, and this provides us various opportunities to learn so that we may integrate technology immediately into lessons.

Unknown said...

Giovanna Bove
Blog Reflection #1

I believe TeacherCast is an amazing resource to help teachers learn about new technologies and how to effectively use them in a classroom. This website is a great asset for anyone that is technologically challenged (as myself). Although a majority of young teachers know how to use basic programs such as excel, word, and powerpoint. It is important to have an understanding of different programs, apps and technology that can be used in a classroom. I agree with Christina’s statement that children will want to come to class and learn if we continue to use new technology. Today, we are constantly developing new technologies which better our society. By integrating technology into classrooms, we are providing students with additional resources and information that will help them with their studies. One of the things that I found interesting on the website is that you can take online courses which will show you skills needed in order to operate the different technologies and how to maintain them. I am a visual leaner so I find that would be very beneficial. I would definitely use TeachCast to learn how to use different technologies.

Daniel B. said...

What really impressed me about TeacherCast was its versatile use of perspective. This being a course in technology, I was interested in their story on why it isn't always the best to be a tech-savvy teacher. The reasoning they gave came from all angles; the perspective of students, parents, teachers, and district administrators were all noted in their argument. At the very least, it provides a means of taking yourself out of the classroom mindset to inspire creativity and confront key issues of education in a different way. This alongside its resource training features made TeacherCast an excellent reference for lesson planning and refining my teaching approach.

Unknown said...

Neal Reff
Blog 1

Teachercast seems to be a very useful tool to help aide teachers in finding the best resources to help teach a class. Teachercast reminds me of the website, which is one of my favorite sources to find videos about a certain topic or a way in which to teach students. Teachercast seems to be more of a blog than teachertube, but I really like the fact that teachercast acts as a middle man to so many resources. The first thing that really caught my eye was when I scrolled over media, and I was so easily able to access different media outsources, such as youtube and itunes. I couldn't believe how many free podcasts that are offered through Itunes, that anyone who is interested can listen to. The blogs are endless and seem to have pertinent information that any teacher who is looking to better him or herself, would enjoy. Overall I think teachercast is a great tool, and I look forward to using it in the future.

Unknown said...

Teachercast is a great source of articles and tips to incorporate technology in your classroom! The blogs come from various authors. This is good because you get multiple opinions on different educational ideas. I like how we could watch videos to learn more about technology. This makes learning for teachers more engaging and easy to understand. Unfortunately, there are teachers out there who do not know how to use technology. TeacherCast provides workshops and webinars online. I believe TeacherCast should be available to all schools and should be incorporated into professional development and grade meetings. I agree with Ryan, technology is constantly changing! We need be up to date or it is a disservice to our students.

Tara Berglind

Unknown said...

TeacherCast is a great resource for teachers and prospective teachers. Today, technology in the classroom is very important and TeacherCast can help teachers incorporate more technology into their lessons. I liked the helpful videos. TeacherCast connects teachers and works with professional development. The available apps are great and can be very useful in the classroom. TeacherCast is a great tool to help teachers keep their students engaged. I look forward to using it one day!

Mike Altruda said...

After browsing around the TeacherCast site for far longer than I originally intended, I found it to be a rich resource for teachers interested in integrating technology into their lessons and classrooms. I have found that the best resource for any teacher looking for ideas or methods for honing their craft lies not in classes, seminars, and workshops, but by communicating directly with other teachers. For example, I recently attended a summer institute at Molloy for instruction in teaching an AP science class that I have never taught before, and while I did garner quite a bit of useful information from the class itself, where I learned the most, in terms of practical ideas and information, was during the lunch breaks, where we teachers sat around and exchanged our ideas and methods that we currently implement in our classrooms. TeacherCast is essentially the same thing as that lunch table, only it is a much larger table.

A resource like TeacherCast is essential for any teacher to be able to actively integrate technology into his or her classes. Because the field of technology evolves and changes so rapidly, it is often the case the case that formal educational settings and teacher training are somewhat “behind the curve,” particularly for younger teachers who tend to already be quite comfortable with the use of technology. A community like TeacherCast is able to keep up with the rapidly shifting field, and offer a forum for teachers to interact and exchange ideas.

The videos and “TC University” tutorials available at the site seem to cover a wide range of proficiencies, from new to expert users of various types of technologies, all with a focus on using the apps and services in an educationally meaningful way. I should warn you however, if like me, you are prone to exploring interesting subject matter and experimenting with various tools and resources, even when you have a pile of papers to grade sitting on the table, TeacherCast can be a dangerous rabbit-hole to fall down into for hours at a time. I now have a rudimentary mobile app that I was able to create for my class with guidance from the AppShed tutorial found in the TC University section, and I am going to be up all night grading labs.

Bianca Alexa said...

I would use the TeacherCast University, I like how it offers online courses. I would definitely use this website for professional development to find helpful google apps, learn how to create apps, remind my students of important things via text, use video editing, creating safe blogs and screen effects. These are all important things and I like how it shows upcoming topics that will be added to the website. As teachers we need to constantly update our teaching strategies and we need to stay connected. Therefore, I like how we can correspond with one another through posts. I also appreciate how the site offers a career center to search and post jobs. I am graduating in May so I will definitely use that to obtain a job. I can also share this site with my friends who may need to find a job as well.

Mike Griffin said...

Mike Griffin
TeacherCast University is a great tool for educators who are busy with families, extra-curricular activities, sports, etc. It would allow for these teachers, who do not have the time to attend a Professional Development workshop, to still gain resources and knowledge from an online source at their own convenience.
It also allows for teachers to gain specific knowledge about using technology in the classroom in an effective way. In the 21st Century, it is essential for teachers to be able to integrate technology into everyday lessons. TeacherCast University enables teachers, no matter how busy, to gain the knowledge needed to become the best educators possible.

Kelly Marochi said...

TeacherCast University is great resource and tool for educators who may have a busy schedule outside of work. For many teachers, incorporating technology into the classroom can be a challenge without the proper training. TeacherCast allows teachers to receive some professional development on how to incorporate technology into their classroom and their current units of study. It also allows for teachers to communicate different ideas and strategies that they have with one another. I personally, learn best from my colleagues and I enjoy communicating with other teacher about ideas I may have to offer or ideas that I may need help developing. TeachCast allows teachers to get ideas from fellow educators and I find this to be very useful and helpful especially as a new teacher.

Kristen G said...

TeacherCast seems to be a very useful website for teachers. One of my favorite features was the category archives’ professional development section. In this section, there are videos that show different kinds of technological tools and programs, how to use them and how they can be used in a classroom. This section also includes interviews with professionals, advice on how to get certain things for your district and how to get the most out of the technology you already have. This section could be very useful in finding, utilizing and acquiring new educational resources for your classroom. Another feature I enjoyed was the in the category archives’ in the EdTech News section. This section helps teachers keep up to date with the technology they have and utilize newer versions. In addition, this section introduces teachers to new apps and technology that they may want to introduce into their classroom. All in all, TeacherCast is very useful in integrating technology in the classroom. They have a ton of categories to search through for teachers to expand, refine and utilize their technological resources and experience.

Kelly Milazzo said...

No, I don’t think that teachers have to change their use of technology in the classroom. Children born today are living in a technology advance culture. Toddlers know how to properly use cellphones and iPads before they enter school. So why are we going to forbid or lessen the use of technology in the classroom. I think as teachers we have to change the way we think and view active learning. Cheryl Nussbaum-Beach, stated that she “wants kids up, moving, active, building things, making things, reading things, talking about things and being continually inspired”. In my opinion you don’t have to be physically active to learn. In this day and age technology offers students a brand new way of learning. There are apps and programs available to students to help express their creativity and stimulate their minds.
In response to Mike Altruda’s statement about school districts incorporating programs, into their schools with no formal training on how to use it properly. I agree with Mike statement and I think schools should also train substitutes as well as teachers in their new programs. I recently subbed in a school district which is currently using a new math program. I had to learn to navigate this math program on my own figuring it out along the way.

Unknown said...

As a student who is brand new to teaching this article provides a realistic outlook on what assessment is supposed to accomplish. The article is broken into sections which almost serves as a guideline to how a teacher would break their own assessment into sections. The purpose of assessment is not merely to check a box and be done with it simply because it's a requirement. Assessment should serve as not only a way to help students progress towards a certain level of mastery but also as a way to dictate how you adjust your lesson plans. I've learned that assessment is also not so much about memorizing and knowing material that will be on a test. The important aspects of assessment include students applying concepts, communicating what they've learned effectively, and thinking critically about new information on the concept. A final tool I've learned regarding student assessment is the use of self-reflection. Even group discussions amongst the class allow students to be empowered, more organized, respect one another's work, and give and receive constructive criticism.
I feel as though assessment may not be utilized correctly all too often in schools. It may often be overlooked and seen as a "chore" or "bother" rather than a useful tool to help students progress properly and evaluate the class as a whole.

Unknown said...

Allison Schmidt
Professor Moroney - EDU 521

Teachercast seems like a useful, convenient resource for all teachers. From the moment I accessed the website, I was immediately drawn to the live chat on the side of the webpage. Random people were sharing with one another their educational blog posts, web links, podcasts, ideas, etc., as well as asking any educational inquiries they may have. I think that is a great tool to be able to access and be able to receive helpful advice and/or information from other educators.
As I continued to explore the website, I came to the “LiveBinders gallery”, specifically the “math LiveBinders” because that is what I currently teach. There were tons of math LiveBinders that provided several useful web links, manipulatives, games, and quizzes for various different math topics. I actually used one of the links provided during two of my math classes the next day because I found it very informative and helpful for the students to learn the content. It was also very engaging, and a great way to implement technology into the classroom.
Additionally, I think Teachercast is convenient for teachers who may not have time to go to Professional Development opportunities or attend an educational workshop. It provides easily accessed videos of either powerful guest speakers or techniques to use in the classroom, which allows teachers to conveniently receive the same important, useful information in the comfort of their own home, or using their own personal device(s).
There is so much practical and beneficial information on Teachercast, which is why I believe it is a great resource for all educators.

Kerri Dimitrakakis said...

After exploring the Teachercast website, I can conclude that it is an extremely useful resource for teachers to explore new and upcoming ideas for the classroom. I love the idea that people may sign on and instantly be a part of the livechat that was occurring on the homepage. People from all over were sharing thoughts and ideas on the material being posted. I would love to implement a live chat in my classroom. As students work on assignments through computers they may silently speak to their peers for help. This may allow an academic conversation as well as allow the teacher or instructor to pose questions throughout their independent work.
I came across a new article as I was roaming through the website. I found this wonderful idea of the Google Classroom. This is where you can distribute and collect work from your students. Being in the technological era and having students raised in this generation it will be very simple for them to sign on and check the work they need to complete. It is a resource and instructional strategy that I will definitely look into using.
Teachercast is a great resource for those teachers who may not get as many professional development opportunities. It gives them a chance to log on from their homes and watch a plethora of videos to enhance their learning and teaching practice in a variety of ways.

Unknown said...

Annemarie Bongiorno
January 24, 2016

The Teachercast website is a very interesting way for teachers to come together and collaborate on new and efficient ways to teach our children. This website is extremely interactive and very easy to use. Teachers from all over can sign on and have access to a number of activities, articles, and a live chat feature that people from all over share and discuss new issues and practices in the world of education. This website lists a number of great strategies that teachers can adapt and bring into their own classrooms to accommodate the needs of their individual students. In today's society teachers should be able to keep up with the technologies and resources that their students have access to and be able to incorporate it into their daily lessons. Technology use in the classroom has been seen to increase the levels of engagement and motivation throughout the lessons.
While exploring the Teachcast website, I noticed a lot of articles having to do with incorporating google into the classroom. I would definitely use this in my classroom because I love google, I think it is very easy to use and most students use it to do most of their school work anyway. The two articles I enjoyed reading the most were "10 reasons you should start using Google in the classroom" and "4 Important Google Drive Skills for Teachers to Learn". Both articles discussed how easy it is to share materials with your students online, it is very user friendly and the students seem to have a positive feedback with google. Google drive is also interactive.
Teachercast is a great tool for all educators to be able to have a place where they could not only find and learn new information but also to share things that they know with other eager educators wanting to learn. I enjoy the live chats and discussions along with the recent articles that are posted daily. This website is a great resource for all teachers to learn and share.

Unknown said...

Robert Casaburi

TEACHERCAST really represents their vision of "A place for teachers to help other teachers". This can be shown through countless blogs, podcasts, audio and video content such as them having a Youtube account. Teachercast provides numerous videos to help teachers to utilize technology in the classroom and creative ways to use Google presentations. Also, they have videos about "How to be a Leader in the classroom" and "Differentiated Instruction". I see a lot of importance in this because it allows teachers to have a more hands on approach of teaching strategies and engaging students. The strategies are also great because teachers are not just learning from their colleagues in their own building, but extends outside of their district. In addition, Teachercast helps teachers develop their skills and allows them to practice and allows teachers to tailor their needs and goals to what they feel is important to them and their students. Another interesting thing is that teachers are providing feedback to one another. Therefore, they are learning new things, applying them and then looking at the results; therefore using data and providing outcomes noticed. This is an excellent tool because it allows for teachers to collaborate and assists districts and teachers with keeping costs down when it comes to professional development.

Unknown said...

commenting on Annemarie's post
I agree that Teachercast is a great form of collaboration for teachers and is useful for teachers to learn more about teaching. Additionally, the utilization of technology can add more nuances for teachers to help engage students and to connect learning to areas that students value. Furthermore, Teachercast gives vital information on how teachers can use technology successfully. I agree that it is a great way for teachers to share ideas. This is especially important since teaching is dynamic and always changing; therefore it is important to always try to apply new ideas and strategies. Also, the process of collaboration can help promote creativity. This is important for educators because it can help with innovation, to differentiate instruction and utilize multiple points of entry when trying to teach a group of diverse learners.

Stacey Mueller said...

Teachercast is a useful website for teachers in terms of professional development. When exploring the website, I found many things that I could use to help me plan lessons and that I could implement in my own classroom. Teachercast is a great place to collaborate with other teachers. You can look at blogs posted by other teachers in which they talk about strategies that have worked for them. I particularly liked the many blog posts and videos on differentiation of instruction since that is something that all teachers strive to do as much as possible when planning their lessons. You can even talk to other teachers during one of the live events that Teachercast holds on Twitter. Teachercast also has several courses under Teachercast University. I watched several videos in the course for Google Apps, especially the videos pertaining to Google Classroom. This was very helpful since the school I work at wants all teachers to use Google Classroom which is new to me. The most useful resource that I found when exploring Teachercast was the Live Binders. I found great games and other resources that are sorted according to the subject you teach. I found a game on solving equations that I plan on using this week in my Algebra class. Overall, Teachercast is a nice website for teachers to collaborate and find resources to use in their classroom. Teachercast is a means of professional development without having to leave the comfort of your home.

Stacey Mueller said...

commenting on Allison Schmidt's post:

I agree that Teachercast is a great resource for professional development for those who do not have the time or opportunities to go to workshops and conferences. Teachercast allows for the same benefits of a workshop in the comfort of your own home. I was attracted to the same sections that the website has to offer. The livechat allows for communication with other teachers to get advice and tips for running your own class. I also found many great games and manipulatives under the live math binder. My only complaint is that there is so many math resources for the lower grades, but not nearly as many for the high school level which is what I teach. Otherwise, I agree with Allison that this is a great website for teachers to use for professional development and to gather resources.

Alyssa Skaee said...

After exploring the Teachercast website, I am able to say that this is a great resource for teachers who would like to use it for professional development. Teachercast incorporates so many different features that can be helpful to all teachers. Some of the things that I really enjoyed were the podcasts, the paperless classroom, videos and the apps section. Personally, I find podcasts very interesting. The "Teachercast podcast" section has so many different podcasts that are helpful to teachers wanting to learn more. I also enjoyed reading articles on the paperless classroom section. An article that I read mentioned a website, Go Noodle, that I use daily in my classroom. I liked the fact that I can learn how others use this website to enhance learning and behavior strategies within their classrooms. I think the videos are a great resource for teachers, as well as the livebinders. The live binders elementary section had so much to offer. There were many different sections to choose from with all different topics. Overall, I believe that Teachercast would definitely be a helpful resource for teachers looking for professional development. With so many different ways to collaborate with other teachers, you can't go wrong!

Alyssa Skaee said...

commenting on Stacey's post:

I agree with Stacey that Teachercast offers many things that can be used to help plan lessons and ideas and strategies that can be implemented within my own classroom. I also liked that there were blog posts about differentiated instruction. It is so important as a teacher to be able to differentiate instruction daily in your classroom. It can be difficult to do at times, so getting other perspectives is extremely insightful. Like Stacey, I also liked that there were game opportunities in the livebinder. It can be difficult to find age-appropriate games online that are not repetitive. Having the ability to find and use new games in this section of the website is great! The section on the googleapps is wonderful. Google is starting to be used for many things. Being able to understand and know how to use different google apps can be very valuable as a teacher.

Unknown said...

I agree with Alyssa's comment about the age-appropriate games. In my classroom my students love to play games on the Smart Board, but after a while, the games become so repetitive and boring. Teachercast is a great resource to get ideas, words of advice, and apps to use with students in the classroom. I can also see how this website would be a valuable resource for parents as well; they would be able to look at recommended apps to use at home with their children that maybe their child's teacher is using in the classroom. I love the "live chat" option where teachers can actively chat with other teachers for advice and ideas. This is a great resource.

Anonymous said...

Corinne Cooper
Teachercast edu website is a very helpful tool for teachers. I would definitely take advantage of the resources available. It provides some guidance to the various aspects of teaching. I find the Magazine/Newspapers feature to be very insightful as it highlights the trends and current events related to education.TVcast is also very useful in showcasing present teachers and their viewpoints about the profession. It even features different professionals who are well known in the media and their speeches or presentation concerning some aspect of education. Innovation and current trends within education will definitely be something of interest to me. Other teachers can be inspired and challenged to make a valuable contribution to teaching. Another feature of Teachercast that will be resourceful is the Career Center. One can view employment opportunities and even find workshops that will enhance one’s professional development. A final area of interest on Teachercast website is the Teachercast University. One is exposed to an array of online resources that can be used develop and improve one’s technological skills. I will take advantage of the apps such as Google and Kid blog. I will also tune in to some of the webinars featuring lecturers, who are experts in the field of education. Sometimes, it is difficult to physically attend a class or workshop that will improve your skills, but with Teachercast edu website, a compilation of information is available, so one can take advantage of the flexibility and log on online anytime, anywhere. Technology is very important in education and it is encouraging to know that help from other teachers and education professionals are available for ongoing support.

Unknown said...

This is a very helpful website for teachers with a multitude of resources which teachers can use in order to become better teachers. With the TeacherCast showing teacher's viewpoints on education, as well as helping teachers to be able to reach their students on a myriad of levels, this website gives great advice and offers great information. The website also lists workshops that teachers can attend in order to learn new information about the teaching world and provides course for teachers to become fluent on upcoming technology. It is a brilliant idea to have this website available to teachers so that we, as a profession, can stay in constant communication with one another about helping our students become the most successful. I would take advantage of the webinars that are provided. The webinars provide a great deal of information, such as using technology to remind students about upcoming projects, tests, and homework. I would also take advantage of the blogging and coding aspects. As technology becomes a more integral part of of the education system, our students are becoming more technologically savvy. Getting students to write about their thoughts online and code we are allowing them to experience a whole new world of education without them realizing they are learning. This would also open their educational world to new interests that they may have. It really is beneficial to the educational system as a whole.

Unknown said...

TeacherCast is a great tool to use when wanting to learn how to integrate new technology into the classroom. As educators, evolving and changing our methods of teaching keeps us fresh and help bring excitement into our lessons. I find TeacherCast University to be beneficial for professional development in learning how to use the latest apps available to facilitate learning. Learning how to use Google apps and Twitter in the classroom help us understand our students in a different way, and by attending an online webinar it can help with how it can be used in the classroom.

Unknown said...

TeacherCast is a great tool for teachers to use when they are trying to bring more technology into the classroom. As a teacher it is often challenging to integrate technology into the classroom when sometimes we do not have the resources to do so. TeacherCast is a great website for teachers to learn from other teachers how to bring technology into the room. Often we sit through countless training and professional developments but I always leave with nothing I feel I can take back into the classroom with me. I did not even know that Google classroom even existed. It's sites like TeacherCast that bring the teachers together to create an easier way to communicate and manage your classroom.

Unknown said...

Teachercast is great and informative concept where teachers can receive materials and information for those who want to be more proficient with technology. Technology is incorporated into the classroom on a daily basis. This website informs educators about how to use technology with their students. For those who need more support learning how to maneuver technology in their own classroom,Teachercast is an awesome tool to use. It is for all levels of learning as well as different grades. It allows teacher to be informed on technology while also being able to connect other educators about technology. The Teachercast is interactive and teachers everywhere can communicate and have access to various materials that can enhance students learning. It accommodates and modifies strategies for educators to teach to their students. This is definitely an informative website that teachers can build lessons based on technology and stay more in touch with the new strategies and materials available to educators in the classroom.

Unknown said...

It is clear that TeacherCast is a place for all educators to turn to when attempting to learn from and help other educators in different areas of technology. The feature that I found most accommodating and useful is the TeacherCast Educational Broadcasting. The schedule feature is a very useful tool for educators. As an educator who attends professional development twice a week, I often find myself listening to a lecture on something I am not interested in, or something I do not find helpful. The schedule allows educators to choose a developmental broadcast that applies to their needs, and plan the time to set aside for the broadcast. For my own professional development I would use this feature to assess what I might need more knowledge in and plan to view the one-hour broadcast in that area. The broadcast provides educators to choose their own personal professional development in an area of need.

TeacherCast also provides educators with a vast amount of resources that are available on a wide range of topics. It can be hard to think of innovative ways to incorporate technology into the classroom, but with TeacherCast you can find new ways to implement technology. The writers of each blog provide an organized outline of the topic that includes most important information needed to understand that topic. Some of the blogs also provide educators with a link that directs them to the app or webpage that is being discussed. TeacherCast is an excellent resource for all educators to learn new things, and explore things that are beneficial and geared towards their own classroom.

Unknown said...

Commenting on Yansi’s post:
I agree with Yansi about the evolving and ever-changing methods of teaching today. TeacherCast is something that educators can use to keep up with the latest technology that students can use to learn and enjoy in the classroom. As Yansi said, as the latest apps are being developed, TeacherCast is allowing teachers to participate in professional development that will allow them to learn about new technology and provide the knowledge necessary to facilitate learning. Online webinars would be very useful for educators who are looking to improve and implement technology skills into their classrooms.

Marissa Sciacca said...

After navigating through TeacherCast, it is clear that it is a great site for educators to refer to for ideas to enhance their classroom. One blog, written by Emily Johnson, that stood out to me was "10 Reasons You Should Start Using Google In Your Classroom." Emily goes through the reasons why educators should incorporate Google into the classroom. She goes on to talk about how using Google is a great way to keep in touch with your students whether they are at home or in the classroom. I believe this is a good way to keep your students engaged in learning at all times. Google also provides educators many different ways to communicate with the parents of the students. For example, using Gmail, or posting to a blog, the parents have access to knowing what goes on in their child's classroom. By the parents having access to daily classroom activities, it builds a trusting relationship between the teacher and parent. Google also gives you access to anything you want to know & by incorporating it into the classroom it benefits students in many different ways. One in particular is their research skill. Eventually students will have to write research papers as a midterm or final; providing them with knowledge on how to use Google at an early age will later benefit them in writing those papers. As an educator you will have materials at your disposal. For example, if students or the school don't have the resources to go to a museum Google provides them with virtual tours so they don't have to miss out on a learning experience. "10 Reasons Using Google In Your Classroom" isn't the only great aspect of TeacherCast. TeacherCast provides educators with many other resources to enhance your classroom. These resources include other blogs, podcasts, videos, and more.

Marissa Sciacca said...

Commenting on Ginas post…..

I completely agree that TeacherCast is a way for educators to learn how to be more proficient with technology. I think it is a great website for teachers to access and incorporate technology into the classroom. The website teaches the educator how to use the technology with their students. I also agree with Gina where she says it is a great way to connect other educators with technology. TeacherCast is definitely a great tool for teachers to use to get ideas to better enhance their classrooms.

Anonymous said...

TeacherCast is a very easy to use and convenient website for teachers. It provides a great deal of professional development for teachers right at their fingertips. There is a large variety of resources for teachers to use. The website was easy to navigate and search for what I was looking for.

The amount of resources that were available for a math teacher caught my eye. There were many articles on math and teaching students math. The article "Guide to Helping Students Conquer Their Fear of Math" was very interesting and helpful to me because students often struggle and get frustrated when learning math. I also thought that the links for the games were something that I would want to use in my class. Students tend to think of math as boring and useless, but these games could help bring a new perspective of math to students. It could help show students that math is fun.

Anonymous said...

Commenting on Nicole's post...

I agree with Nicole's post about professional development. It is often difficult for teachers to find professional development that is useful for them. With the many options for professional development on TeacherCast, it allows for teachers to find professional development that will benefit them in their classrooms. There are many videos and podcasts that are very helpful to teachers based on the ages or subjects that they may teach. This gives teachers the opportunity to focus on their priorities at their leisure.

Anonymous said...

Commenting on Marissa's post..
I agree with Marissa. Teachercast is very detailed and provides an array of technology tools that teachers can tap into. The benefit will be gained by both teachers and students. The emphasis on technology in the classroom has been increased in recent times. It is such a broad field with so many apps and programs to choose from. Teachercast has shown a variety but pointed to the most important ones that teachers should utilize in their classroom.

Brittney H said...

Teachercast is a great way for teachers to feel involved and presented with great sources of technology. This site offers many different tools for teachers to not only use with their students but to collaborate with their co-works and add to this site. There are many different stories and links teachers would not have access to without reviewing this site. This site is also very helpful to teachers who are not technology savvy and need help finding strategies to use within the classroom. Teachercase even offers professional development. At times on a staff development day,Principals have a difficult time filling the day with meaningful activities, this site would offer strategies that would be very beneficial and effective to the school and in the classroom. Many different teachers can also use Teachercast, it is not just a website for academic, classroom teachers. This site offers a lot of hands-on fun activities that student's would enjoy partaking in.

Unknown said...

Brittney H I completely agree with you. I feel disconnected working in a city school with very few resources for my students. It gives so many great tools to incorporate technology in the classroom.

Kim Bochicchio said...

I think TeacherCast is a great resource for teachers. After exploring all of it's components I read an article about the future of technology in the classroom. The article stated that currently 75% of classroom educators grades k-12 report their classroom technology use as "good" or "great". That number astounded me because I only graduated high school 5 years ago, and smart boards were not even a classroom tool yet, now they seem to be a primary staple in each classroom. To see how far technology has come in the past 5 years is amazing. I am intrigued and excited to have such amazing technology at my fingertips while educating my classes.

I agree with Nicole in that TeacherCast is a great way to further professional development. Educators are able to easily access videos, articles, podcasts and much more to help them with their professional development at their leisure. The amount of resources this site has to offer is incredibly helpful to all educators and future educators.

-Kim Bochicchio

Unknown said...

I like teacher cast it great tools for inspiring teacher and who are already teachers, the variety of podcasts that Teacher Cast provides, gives listeners unique perspectives to take into consideration, in regards to technology in the classroom.

I agree with Kim I graduated from Hs more than 10 yrs ago and technology was not a factor in the education world. To see how far technology has taken us it is amazing and scaring at the same time because we depend on it so much but it is also a great tools to use.

Jennifer Gesualdo

Unknown said...

I think TeacherCast is fantastic. Brittany H and Christina Vitale I agree with you. I have several friends who are teachers who say their staff development day is filled with things that are not practical. What a great way for teachers to spend the day learning about useful technology tools. Technology is such an important part of the world today and we all need to embrace it and incorporate it into our classrooms. My 5th grade son has iPads in his classroom and he has taught me Wordle and Quizlet.

Unknown said...

I think that TeacherCast is an excellent tool for teachers to use. I agree with Lisa K, we must embrace the use of technology. As our youth continues to grow, so will the implementation of technology. I think that teachers should follow the path that the students are traveling down. I believe using programs like podcasts, or educational magazine sites will help only enhance the students' abilities inside the classroom. I was fortunate enough to observe a middle school where technology plays a pivotal role on how the students learn their information. I believe that the use of TeacherCast will only help prepare teachers with their everyday lesson plans with their students.

Unknown said...

I think TeacherCast is a great idea. Often professional development is boring and not taken seriously. This is a great outlet for teachers to learn about technology and how to apply it in the classroom. Technology seems to capture the attention of students in a way that has never really been seen before. Which is why technology in schools is an awesome idea, its getting students the information they need to know the way they prefer.

Unknown said...

Wow... I just found this while doing some research...
Thanks for the amazing feedback and comments

Peter Recupero said...

I think Teahercast is a wonderful website. The information on it seems to be extremely relevant to education today. What I mean by this is the technology usage is great. From the Apps that are offered to my favorite the podcasts. Jefferey does a great job at discussing relevant topics. The one I saw was about the engagement of parents in their child's education. I will be using this website in the future if nothing more then browsing it and maybe taking bits and pieces or who knows I might stumble across something that will be a huge help. Great website.

Unknown said...

Teachercast is a really good website full of information for all types of teachers. While i was looking through the website, i found many links and websites that i use in my classroom almost everyday. I teach in a kindergarten classroom and we use technology for every single lesson. We need to keep the students up and moving and engaged in every lesson/activity in order to have success in our type of classroom. Go Noodle is one website found on teachercast that we use every day. It is one of my all time favorites, having many different activities. One section they have is called "indoor recess", which consists of mini workout videos, yoga videos, mini dance lessons (songs which the students know and love outside of school) which gets them excited to participate. This is also great after a long day of work when they need to let some energy out or sometimes used before we take the students over to church which allows them to get it all out in order to sit somewhat still in church. (it works every time) This website definitely benefits our class greatly.