Sunday, August 7, 2016

Google Tilt Brush: Impossible now a reality? 

Google Tilt Brush combines virtual reality with drawing, painting, design, photography, and sculpture. Almost any kind of visual art can be combined with this cutting edge technology to create some amazing works of art. Watch the videos and read about how this technology is being used by artists around the world in a variety of unique ways. How to you think this could eventually be adapted for use in educational settings?


Shana Krakower said...

Google Tilt Brush is amazing! A technology that combines virtual reality, with drawing, painting, design, photography, and sculpture. Basically anything you visualize can be created from this tool. I had a hard time thinking of any ways that this can be adapted in an educational setting, however once i watched the video, i realized that it could be used in science classrooms to show plants, volcanoes, the human body (maybe), rainbows/clouds/rain/snow (any type of climate). Also it could be used in art class obviously. History classes could possibly use it to depict mountains or geography of some type. I know my high school has fashion classes, that would be the best place to use this technology, since you can create and design outfits, out of different textures right in front of your own eyes. Like the article states, its revolutionizing the definition of painting. And once you create something, you can share it with other Tilt Brush users around the world. This technology will definitely change the art world, museums, and galleries. However, I think this is very advanced for the common classes: where I think it is interesting and the kids will like it but how will it advance the students learning? And I'm sure it is very expensive, and probably out of most districts funding limit.

I Know A Great Place said...

I was speechless when watching the video of the Google Tilt Brush! It was simply amazing how a person can create such real three dimensional works of art. I believe this would be an incredible tool to use in eduction. This technology allows the students to create more then every thought of before. Utilizing this technology in art class will allow many children with limited fine motor skills, to be able to create something of their own. I think this could benefit many children in my school because many of the a visual learns. Having the teacher draw out a lesson or activity that they can walk through will help them understand the material. Although we are far away from being able to afford this kind of technology in our schools, it gives me great hope that we will one day be able to reach our students on a level we have never thought would be possible!

Whitney Constant said...

The Google Tilt brush has an amazing concept for designing and building. I believe that this is very new and still has a long way to go in regards to the things that it can do. Virtual reality has just began its integration into the world from video games, to apps, to newly introduced tilt brush. It is great because it allows its viewer to do the most imaginable things that they never could before. The concept of designing clothes seems to be the most used with this app. In regards to the future tilt brush which I'm sure will be 10 times better than this one can be used for a variety of things such as the ability to platform for installations in museum and gallery space. Painting is seen differently because it allows painters to be more in depth with details that they might have never been able to accomplish in the past. This will allow students and people around the world to see 3-d like images right before their eyes. It is being created to showcase clothing designs with great details which is also good for fashion industry geared schools. I am really intrigued to find out where this tilt brush will take our world in the years to come.

Laura Geyer said...

The google tilt brush is an incredible technology tool. This is a great tool for creating, exploring and building which are all key skills to attain in a classroom. I think that this would be a great tool to use in education, but it depends on the grade level. I am a teachers assistant in a first grade classroom and I do think that although this tilt brush is amazing, it is too advanced for students in my classroom. It would be extremely cool and beneficial to watch someone model this brush, but my first grade students may need a more basic brush to use. On the other hand, it does open up the opportunity for imagination which at their developmental age, is important to provide in the classroom. It would be beneficial for students to use this in the upper grades, as they have the prior knowledge of different experiences and objects in their environment that they would like to re create. I think that this is an excellent way to teach adaptive learning and totally allows students to expand on their own knowledge. This tilt brush I'm sure is very expensive, which would be difficult for lower economic schools to use, but would be amazing if all schools could have access to at least one of these brushes.

In response to Victoria: I agree that this tool would be incredible to use in education. It serves as a great opportunity for students to use their imagination and explore their knowledge. You're right in the sense that this tool would be great for students with limited motor skills because it takes what they are able to do and livens it up to an extreme that they probably could not imagine to happen.I hope that one day we can in fact use this tilt brush in our classrooms as it is a great way to learn and develop senses of creativity.

Alexa Carvelli said...

After reading the article, as well as watching the video on the “Google Tilt Brush,” I was amazed at it’s ability to create three-dimensional images by combining virtual reality with drawing, painting, design, photography, and sculpture. It was immediately evident how the “Google Tilt Brush” will change the world of art and fashion, however it was not as evident to me how it could be adapted for use in educational settings. Despite the obvious use of this tool in an art classroom, I felt it could potentially be adapted into the general and special education classrooms as well, for the content area of science. I feel as if this tool would be extremely useful for visual learners and could bring imagination to life for students when studying science. Although the “Google Tilt Brush” would be an incredible technological tool in the classroom, I believe this specific tool may be too far fetched for schools to invest in, as well as to make a part of an educational setting, however I would be excited to see this tool’s appearance in education someday.

In response to Shana:

I agree this tool would be of great use in a high school fashion design class, and would allow students to virtually create and visualize a piece clothing that they create with an immense amount of materials and opportunities to enhance their project using this tool.

Anonymous said...

The Google Tilt Brush is so cool! Being able to virtually express an idea you've reacted is such an exciting and wondering thought. Virtual reality is becoming more and more active within the classrooms. If I ever had the opportunity to include virtual reality within my classroom, I'd be so invested in my time with planning a lesson to work with the activities. After being able to use vital reality within my classroom and possibly get my hands on the Google Tilt Brush, I'd have my students use their flare to create something for a lesson we'd be working on. The Google Tilt Brush would be an excellent aspect to art class. Having students be so creative with their work in such a way that's just not possible with pencil and paper.

Respsone: I agree with Whitney. The Google Tilt Brush is still very new and has a long way to go with what it is apple to do and complete. Maybe years down the road this will be the new "SmartNotebook"

Anonymous said...

Not quire sure if this thread is still alive, but we have started using Tilt Brush at our schools. We are running a week of camp next week with 4 tilt brush stations.

Please feel free to reach out if you're interested in finding out more. Our school is in Winchester, MA (Acera School).

G. Halwani, PhD
Director, Research & Assessment

Unknown said...

I am interested in learning how you used this tool to supplement student learning.